英语新闻听写 博尔特牵手电信运营商Optus
The year 2016 is an Olympic year, so Australian telecommunications company Optus has given a sporty boost to its ad campaigns. 2016为奥运年,澳大利亚电信运营商Optus加大体育广告投入。 On Wednesday, Optus announced athlete Usain
英语新闻听写 人类首次近距离观察冥王星
A new photo of Pluto's atmosphere makes the invisible visible. 人类第一次看清冥王星大气层。 The new image, taken by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft in July, shows the blue ring of the dwarf planet's atmosphere as it would appear in the i
英语新闻听写 奥巴马呼吁快速应对寨卡病毒
On Tuesday, President Obama called for quicker development of tests, vaccines and treatments to fight the mosquito-transmitted Zika virus. 周二,奥巴马总统呼吁加快对蚊传播病毒的检测、疫苗和治疗。 The fast-spreading virus h
英语新闻听写 有一种蘑菇让咖啡不再苦
How Mushrooms Can Erase Bitterness From Your Coffee 有一种蘑菇让咖啡不再苦 Coffee or arugula without a hint of bitterness it may sound improbable, but sugar has found a new rival in mushrooms. 咖啡或者芝麻菜将不会有苦味,这听
英语新闻听写 科学家来告诉你不能成为“蜘蛛侠”的原因!
Scientists Prove Spider-Man Can't Stick on Walls 科学家来告诉你不能成为蜘蛛侠的原因! According to a new article in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 科学家在美国《国家科学院学报》上
英语新闻听写 iPhone7或将配置双镜头
Already known for having one of the best smartphone cameras on the market, iPhone may be upgrading to not one but two rear-facing cameras to capture those shots. 苹果手机照相功能世界领先,下一代iPhone或将后置双镜头。 Though st
英语新闻听写 挪威邮轮又有新动作
Miami-based Norwegian Cruises will reportedly add a fifth ship to its European fleet in the summer of 2017. 有报道称,挪威邮轮公司将于2017年夏再增添一艘游轮,总游轮数将增至五艘,该公司总部设在美国迈阿密。
英语新闻听写 美国弗吉尼亚居民感染寨卡病毒
A Virginia resident who traveled outside the United States has tested positive for the mosquito-transmitted Zika virus, the Associated Press reported on Tuesday, citing health officials. 周二,美联社援引卫生官员报道,一名弗吉尼亚居
英语新闻听写 苹果隐瞒手表销售数据
Today Apple released its Q1 2016 results, and surprise, surprise it still didnt break out Watch sales separately, the way it does for Macs, iPhones and iPads. 苹果发布2016第一季度财政报表,出人意料,苹果没有公布手表销售量,
英语新闻听写 暴风雪后华盛顿面临大量清理工作
Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser told residents on Monday that the roads are still dangerous and crews are continuing their efforts to move the 24 inches of snow out of the area. 周一,华盛顿市长穆里尔鲍尔斯告诉居民道路仍然存在
英语新闻听写 流浪猫撞脸《星战7》大反派走红网络
A Cat That Looks Exactly Like Adam Driver 流浪猫撞脸《星战7》大反派走红网络 Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we are now privy to one of the most simultaneously disturbing and wonderful phenomenons of our time. 网络中从不乏奇
英语新闻听写 美国民众为何反对疫苗接种
Vermont Parents Avoid Vaccinating Their Kids 佛蒙特州的家长们反对为孩子接种疫苗 Vaccinating your kids, the vast majority of medical professionals agree, is definitely a good thing to do for their health and the health of everyone els
英语新闻听写 F-35Bs将亮相航展
The U.S. military is preparing the F-35 fighter jet for two air shows scheduled for the Summer in England. 今年夏天,英格兰将举办两次航站,美军准备派F-35战机参展。 On Monday the U.S. Marine Corps added they will send a pair
英语新闻听写 苹果将发布4英寸iPhone5SE
According to a new report, Apple plans to show off a new 4-inch iPhone in March. 据最新报道所说,苹果新4寸手机预计将于3月发布。 The iPhone 5SE will be an upgraded version of the 5S and will be available in rose gold. iPhone 5SE将
英语新闻听写 阿拉斯加发生6.8级地震
区发生6.8级地震,牵动着居民的神经,地震将物品从货架震落。 There were no immediate reports of injuries, however. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, 然而,目前没有人员受伤报道。据美国地质调查局,
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