英语新闻听写 英女王和她的柯基犬们
Anyone who knows about Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom 如果你了解英女王, knows that she absolutely loves the short-legged dogs known as Corgis. 那么你一定知道短腿柯基犬是她的最爱。 And Thursday marks the Queen's 90th
英语新闻听写 Uber在美被罚1140万美元
On Thursday Uber Technologies Inc was fined with a record $11.4 million on Thursday by a Pennsylvania regulator 因在2014年非法运营,宾夕法尼亚监管部门于周四对Uber处以罚款, for having operated without proper approval in the
英语新闻听写 超过一半的美国人呼吸被污染的空气
The American Lung Associations 2016 State of the Air report claims that 52% of Americans live in counties with dangerous levels of particle or ozone pollution. 美国肺脏协会的2016年国家空气报告称,52%的美国人生活在有颗粒或臭氧
英语新闻听写 奥巴马总统拜访伊丽莎白女王
This Friday President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama visited the royal family in London, United Kingdom. 周五,美国总统奥巴马和第一夫人米歇尔在英国伦敦访问了王室。 They met with Queen Elizabeth and had a forma
英语新闻听写 12寸新MacBook推出玫瑰金
The new MacBook is getting its first spec bump. 新款MacBook首发。 And its first new color: Rose gold. 新增玫瑰金配色。 Thats right, we finally have a pink MacBook. 粉色MacBook将隆重登场。 On the outside, the new MacBook is exactl
英语新闻听写 朝鲜称成功从潜艇上发射弹道导弹
North Korea says it has successfully test-fired a ballistic missile from a submarine and strengthened its nuclear attack capabilities. 朝鲜称已从潜艇上成功试射弹道导弹,并加强了其核攻击能力。 Hours before the announcement
英语新闻听写 菜单标注卡路里
Chain Restaurants Get Calorie Count Extension 对抗肥胖新措施 菜单上标注卡路里 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it would extend the deadline for chain restaurants to disclose calorie counts on menus by a year to the end of 201
英语新闻听写 女子cosplay蜘蛛侠惊艳众人!
Spectacular Spider-Woman Cosplay From Florencia Sofen Cosplay 女子cosplay蜘蛛女侠惊艳众人 Today Comicbook.com published an article and photo spread of a cool new Cosplay Spider-Woman outfit 今日漫画网站公布了一篇关于蜘蛛女侠的
英语新闻听写 微软推出全新TypeCover键盘盖
There are some striking similarities between the MacBook keyboard and the ones the one found in the Type Cover for the Surface Pro 4. 较MacBook键盘,微软Surface Pro 4键盘盖与之有惊人的相似。 They are virtually the same size. 大小差
英语新闻听写 星巴克计划捐赠未售出食物
As with most food establishments, Starbucks wastes a lot of food each day. 像多数餐厅一样,星巴克日食物浪费量巨大。 Well, after many of their employees raised their voices over the matter, Starbucks has decided to take action. 随着
英语新闻听写 儿童蜡笔被指含有致癌成分
Group Finds Asbestos in Children's Crayons, Toy Crime Lab Kits 警惕!儿童蜡笔被指含有致癌成分 The EWG Action Fund is calling for a ban on asbestos in consumer products after it found traces of the carcinogen in children's crayons and t
英语新闻听写 莎士比亚:找不到合适词汇?那就发明一个!
Shakespeare Created A Language Revolution 莎士比亚:找不到合适词汇?那就发明一个! During his time as a writer, Shakespeare created over 1,700 new words and phrases. 在莎士比亚的写作生涯中,他共创作出1700多个单词和
英语新闻听写 奥巴马向叙利亚派遣军队
In a speech in Hanover, Germany, President Obama announced on Monday that he will send 250 more U.S. troops to Syria to maintain the fight against Islamic State extremists. 在德国汉诺威的演讲中,奥巴马总统周一宣布,将派遣250多名
英语新闻听写 亚马逊推出一小时快递服务
It is a city already already crowded with well-funded startups promising to deliver your next meal. 旧金山送餐公司层出不穷。 And now, Amazon just announced its ramping up its one-hour Prime Now food delivery service in San Francisco. 但如
英语新闻听写 乔巴尼酸奶将向员工发放股票
According to Hamdi Ulukaya, the CEO of Greek yogurt giant Chobani, 据希腊酸奶巨头乔巴尼总裁哈姆迪乌鲁卡亚表示, 2,000 of its employees will each receive shares in the multi-billion-dollar yogurt company if it goes public or is s
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