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  • 英语新闻听写 骗数百健康人做癌症化疗 "黑心"医生锒铛入狱 Cancer Doctor Falsely Diagnosed and Treated Patients, Gets 45 Years in Prison 骗数百健康人做癌症化疗 黑心医生锒铛入狱 A Detroit-area doctor who authorities say gave cancer treatment drugs to patients who did not need them 底特律一
  • 英语新闻听写 女子为保心爱鳄鱼 不惜杠上政府 Woman Fights To Keep Her Alligator Rambo 女子为保心爱鳄鱼 不惜杠上政府 Mary Thorns, a woman from Lakeland, Florida, is doing everything she can to keep her 6-foot-long, 125 pound alligator named Rambo as a pet. 来自佛罗里达州莱克
  • 英语新闻听写 研究证明良好的睡眠能保持健康 Researchers at University of California San Francisco have confirmed that a good night's sleep could keep colds and infections away. 加利福尼亚旧金山大学的研究人员证实,晚间良好的睡眠能摆脱感冒和感染疾病。 The odds
  • 英语新闻听写 英国催眠魔术大师逝世 Famous TV Magician Paul Daniels Dies at 77 英国催眠魔术大师逝世 A month after it was announced that he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour, British magician and entertainer Paul Daniels has died. 英国著名魔术大师保罗丹尼
  • 英语新闻听写 如何路人秒变女神——烘焙式化妆法! Baking: Achieving the Latest Beauty Contouring Trend 如何路人秒变女神烘焙式化妆法! While contouring may be so last year, and strobing so last month, the latest highlighting craze called baking actually first surfaced many, many moons
  • 英语新闻听写 黑莓将推两款安卓手机 BlackBerry's best smartphone in a decade, has not helped the struggling smartphone company rebound. 黑莓发布十年来顶级智能手机,但依旧捉襟见肘。 BlackBerry sold just 600,000 of the Priv, which runs Android, between January and M
  • 英语新闻听写 小米开发变形金刚系列产品 Fan-favorite Transformers character Shockwave has been reinvented for the modern era. 《变形金刚》震荡波推出现代版。 Chinese electronics company XiaoMi reinvented the cassette-recorder Transformer into a tablet in China. 中国科技公司
  • 英语新闻听写 美军在卡塔尔部署B-52轰炸机 The U.S. Air Force deployed B-52 bombers to Qatar on Saturday to join the fight against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. It is the first time they have been based in the Middle East since the end of the Gulf War in 1991. 周六,美国空军在卡塔尔
  • 英语新闻听写 SpaceX成功实现海上回收火箭 SpaceX has successfully landed a reusable rocket stage on a floating barge. 美国SpaceX公司火箭首次实现海上回收。 The fifth attempt proved to be the charm on Friday as the Falcon 9 touched down on a football-sized platform in the Atlant
  • 英语新闻听写 100辆无人驾驶汽车将在国内路测 Starting next year, 100 customers in Sweden and China will be selected to test Volvo's self-driving cars. 从明年起,100辆沃尔沃无人驾驶轿车将在中国和瑞典测试。 Volvo has aimed for 2020 as its goal for eliminating all traffic
  • 英语新闻听写 美国驻土耳其大使馆发出警告 称存在“可信的威胁” On Saturday the United States warned its citizens about credible threats to tourist areas in Turkey. 周六,美国对其公民发出警告,称在土耳其旅游区存在可信的威胁。 Particularly under threat is Istanbul and the southwest co
  • 英语新闻听写 朝鲜成功试验洲际弹道导弹发动机 Saturday- North Korea claimed that it has run successful tests on the booster capability of an intercontinental ballistic rocket engine that could now target the United States with nuclear strikes. 周六,朝鲜声称已经成功测试一洲际弹道
  • 英语新闻听写 美国康涅狄格州纽顿教师带枪上课被捕 On Wednesday a middle school teacher in Newtown, Connecticut was arrested and charged with bringing a firearm into the town's middle school. 周三,一名康涅狄格州纽顿中学教师被捕,被指控携带枪支到镇上的中学。 The teach
  • 英语新闻听写 三星智能隐形眼镜内置摄像头 Samsung has been granted a patent in South Korea for contact lenses containing a camera controlled by blinking. 三星获隐形眼镜专利,内置摄像头,眨眼即可控制。 According to the blog SamMobile, the company began developing the te
  • 英语新闻听写 庆祝吉普问世75周年 On Thursday, Jeep fans everywhere had a reason to celebrate. 周四,吉普迷们可以庆祝一番了。 The Jeep was patented 75 years ago on April 7th, 1941. 75年前的1941年4月7日,吉普轿车成功申请专利。 The actual production of