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    A 3D version of the latest Bourne movie made exclusively for Chinese cinemas has caused local audiences to complain about headaches and nausea. 为中国影院特供的3D版《谍影重重5》使中国观众产生头痛、恶心的反应。大家对此...

  • 加拿大申请加入亚投行 中加关系回暖

    BEIJING Canada said on Wednesday that it had applied to join Chinas version of the World Bank, breaking with previous leaders who had shared United States officials skepticism of the new Beijing-led lender. 北京加拿大周三表示已申请加入中...

  • 巴西第一位女总统罗塞夫被罢免 保留政治权利

    Brazil's first female president is out of a job, but not barred from the ballot if she wants to run again. 巴西首位女总统被罢职,但再次参选公职的权利得以保留。 The South American country's Senate voted 61-20 Wednesday to rem...

  • 在好莱坞摸爬滚打的亚裔导演

    Hollywood has kept no secret of its intention to become more appealing to China. 一直以来,好莱坞从不掩饰对中国市场的重视。 From Iron Man 3 (2013), which treats the Chinese audience to an extra four minutes of *footage featuring...

  • 法国摄影大师马克·里布 苦难中捕捉现实的美

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  • 起底安邦股东 空办公室里的壳公司

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  • 全国人大立法规范艺人职业道德

    China's top legislature is reviewing a draft law aiming to promote the development of the Chinese film industry, which adds items urging people in the film sector to abide by laws as well as social and professional ethics. 我国最高立法机关正在...

  • 欧盟裁定苹果补缴130亿欧税款

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    Chinas premier international development bank has lost one of its five vice-presidents less than nine months after opening its doors for business, according to the institutions president. 中国最看重的国际开发银行在投入运营不到9个月...

  • 郭广昌 P2P基本上都是骗局

    Guo Guangchang, Chinas self-styled Warren Buffett, yesterday called the countrys Rmb440bn ($65.9bn) peer-to-peer lending market basically a scam, becoming the latest figure to attack an industry that has been plagued by scandal. 自命中国的沃伦...

  • 优步在伦敦推预约叫车服务 最多可提前30天

    Ride service Uber, which enables users to instantly hail a taxi ride using their smartphone, will allow customers to book trips days or weeks in advance in London, the first European city to get the option. 让用户通过智能手机就能立刻打到...

  • 广电总局发通知要求医药广告时长不得超1分钟

    China's top broadcast watchdog announced that it will tighten regulation over health and medical related TV programs and advertising. 中国最高广播监管机构近日宣布,将对医疗养生类电视节目和医药广告加强管理。 The Sta...
