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    Six scientists have completed a yearlong Mars simulation in Hawaii, where they lived in a dome in near isolation. 近日,六名科学家在夏威夷一个近乎完全隔绝的圆顶屋中完成了为期一年的火星模拟生活。 For the past ye...

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  • 央视指责演员片酬高 《如懿传》霍建华周迅被点名批评

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  • 乔布斯制造的Apple I拍卖 81.5万美元成交

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  • 亚马逊计划推出"线上下单线下取货"服务

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  • 我国央地财政事权和支出责任划分改革即将开启

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  • 兰交大博文学院院长登门道歉 患癌女教师获得赔偿

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  • 德国拟呼吁民众自囤十天干粮防恐袭

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  • 毁容少女周岩晒写真引关注 乐观勇敢值得点赞

    A 21-year-old young woman who was a victim of disfigurement five years ago courageously faced the public eye, recently posting a series of glamor photographs on the internet. 作为五年前一起毁容事件的受害者,一位21岁的年轻女子近...

  • 深港通工作明确进度时间表 11月上旬达到开通要求

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  • 2016中国企业500强榜单发布 营收首现负增长

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  • 深圳地铁11号线设商务舱 与普通舱对比鲜明

    A trial run of a service designed to offer more comfortable subway travel has instead sparked massive controversies in the southern Chinese metropolis Shenzhen, with some blaming it for creating an artificial divide among passengers. 为了给乘客提...

  • 西班牙警方破获中国非法移民团伙 共57人被捕

    Spanish police say they have dismantled a nationwide network that illegally regularised the working status of Chinese immigrants in Spain. 据西班牙警方表示,他们已经捣毁了一个全国性的非法移民网络,该网络主要非法偷渡...

  • 北京监管机构集中整治网络订餐

    The Beijing food watchdog last Friday interviewed five online-to-offline (O2O) food delivery platforms, and publicized 21 vendors with problems such as operating without displaying their licenses, fabricating license information or offering non-culin...

  • 功夫巨星成龙获奥斯卡终身成就奖

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