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    Canada has decided to apply for membership of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced at a press conference in Beijing. 加拿大财政部长比尔莫诺日前在北京召开的一次新闻发布...

  • 谷歌光缆发展受阻 扩张计划要调整

    Google Fiber's plans to bring super-fast Internet speeds throughout the U.S. are hitting some stumbling blocks, according to recent reports. 根据最新报道,谷歌Fiber旨在大幅提升全美网速的计划受到了一些阻力。 Citing source...

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    Melania Trump is suing a British newspaper and a US blogger for $150m over allegations she was a sex worker in the 1990s, her lawyer says. 据律师透露,梅拉尼亚特朗普正在起诉英国一家报社和美国一位美国博客作者,就其污...

  • 我国银行业陷史上最大规模离职潮

    A drop in staff members has hit a number of listed banks in China amid banks' efforts to save costs. 在银行努力节约成本时,我国多家上市银行的员工人数有所减少。 Among 16 banks listed in A-shares markets, 10 have reported a...

  • 默克尔如何应对民粹政党崛起

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  • 沃尔玛削减后台部门职位 裁员达7000人

    Walmart, the US supermarket chain, plans to cut 7,000 back office and accounting jobs in its US stores. 美国连锁超市沃尔玛计划在其美国门店内撤销7000个办公室和会计职务。 The move comes after a pilot programme in 500 store...

  • 森林火灾或为加拿大经济下滑的罪魁祸首

    The Canadian government said gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter shrank by 1.6%, its largest loss since 2009. 据加拿大政府表示,第二季度加拿大国内生产总值缩水了1.6%,是自从2009年以来下滑最大的一次。...

  • 校服太贵! 英国名校吓跑家长!

    Parents face spending hundreds of pounds on expensive branded uniforms if their children go to the UK's top state schools, research by the Daily Mail has revealed. 《每日邮报》的研究显示,如果孩子上英国顶尖的公立学校,家长们...

  • 你应不应该整夜给手机充电?

    Chances are, you plug in your phone before you go to bed at night, thinking it's best to greet the morning with a fully charged device. 晚上临睡前,你可能会给手机充上电,想着第二天早上看到一部电量满格的手机。 Is th...

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  • 委内瑞拉爆发大规模游行 上百万民众要求总统下台

    Hundreds of thousands of people have marched through the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, in rival demonstrations. 近日,数十万反对派支持者在委内瑞拉的首都加拉加斯的街头游行示威。 Opposition supporters, staging their large...

  • 德国工商界领袖批评英国拖延退欧谈判

    The head of one of Germanys leading industry lobby groups has warned that delays in launching the UKs Brexit negotiations are prolonging the uncertainty hanging over the British economy and hitting investment plans. 德国知名行业游说组织之一...

  • 杭州G20峰会 明日之星的世界级舞台

    The city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang province is a frequent headline grabber. 浙江省杭州市总是频繁地占领媒体的头条。 As a major tourist attraction in China, there were so many tourists during last years peak travel seasons that most of...
