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  • 会说三国语言的日本机器人迎宾小姐

    Meet Chihira Junco, a tourist greeter at a shopping mall in Tokyo. 来见见地平Junco(Chihira Junco)吧,她是东京一个购物中心的游客迎宾员。 In her crisp blue button-down shirt, white blazer and pinstripe skirt, she stands in sensi...

  • 港交所明年在内地推金属交易平台

    The owner of the London Metal Exchange aims to target Chinese commodity traders concerned by speculative excesses on the countrys domestic bourses, with plans to establish a physical metals trading platform in mainland China next year. 伦敦金属交易...

  • 欧盟责令苹果公司补税这一举动激怒美国

    There has been widespread criticism in the US of the European Commission's ruling that Apple should pay up to 11bn pounds in back taxes. 欧盟委员会针对苹果公司应该支付高达110亿英镑税款的裁决已经遭到了美国的广泛批评。...

  • 国务院发布食品安全工作评议考核办法

    The central authority will send inspectors to review provincial-level government food safety, according to a circular published by the General Office of the State Council Monday. 根据国务院办公厅周一发布的通知,中央机关将派巡视员...

  • ISIS首席军师阿德纳尼在叙利亚遭击毙

    The chief strategist of the Islamic State group, whose calls for attacks against the West during Ramadan led to mass bloodshed, has been killed in Syria, IS-affiliated media say. 据ISIS内部媒体的报道,ISIS组织的首席策略师,曾在斋月...

  • 芬兰试行基本收入 每月每人发放560欧

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  • 广电总局将严控社会类娱乐类节目

    China's broadcasting regulator is poised to curb social and entertainment news reporting that lacks positive energy, correct values, or high aesthetic value, according to a circular made public last Monday. 根据上周一发布的一项通知,中国...

  • 美国一7岁女孩在垃圾堆中意外发现一枚奥运金牌

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  • 新iPhone还会有耳机插孔吗

    SAN FRANCISCO If Apple had its way, this week would play out like Christmas for 5-year-olds. 旧金山如果按苹果(Apple)的意愿,本周应该像五岁孩子的圣诞节一样。 First, unbelievable anticipation. Then, great surprise. At the en...

  • 斯诺登的好莱坞漫长奇异之旅 重磅大片

    This January, I drove to Stones office in West Los Angeles to watch a rough cut of Snowden. 今年1月,我开车到斯通位于西洛杉矶的办公室看《斯诺登》的粗剪版。 Stone works out of a discreet suite in a pristine office comple...

  • 澳洲一女子双手植入微型芯片 开门不用钥匙

    In a glimpse of what the future may hold, tiny microchips are being implanted in humans so they can unlock doors and get into their computers without using keys or passwords. 为了一瞥未来生活的模样,人们正在尝试往身体里植入微型...

  • 我国拟开征环保税 机动车船舶拟免缴

    A draft of China's first environmental protection tax law, submitted to the top legislative body for initial discussion, may impose heavier penalties on polluters than ever before. 我国首部环境保护税法的草案日前提请最高立法机关初...

  • 王健林一个亿小目标走红社交网络

    You shouldn't be that ambitious. Set a small target first, like earning 100 million yuan. 你可以不用那么雄心勃勃,先定一个小目标,比方说,我先挣它一个亿! If you hear somebody say that, would it drive you crazy? 如果你...

  • 中国调查滴滴出行收购优步中国计划

    HONG KONG The authorities in China are investigating Ubers planned sale of its Chinese operations to a local rival, complicating a deal intended to bring the American ride-share operators costly venture there to an end. 香港美国约车服务提供商...

  • 印度旅游部长安全提示 女性不要穿裙子

    India's tourism minister is furiously backpedaling after suggesting that women who visit India shouldn't wear skirts for their own safety. 印度旅游部长日前建议前往印度的女性为了自身安全不要穿裙子,但是他随后连忙澄清...
