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    The Obama administration is launching a final push to salvage negotiations on a transatlantic free trade zone before it leaves office despite growing political opposition in Europe. 尽管欧洲的政治反对日益强烈,但奥巴马政府发起最后...

  • 美联储鸽派 过早加息并不明智

    The prospects of a Federal Reserve interest rate rise this month receded further yesterday after a senior policymaker set out a series of arguments for not rushing into an increase. 美联储(Federal Reserve)本月加息的可能性昨日进一步减小...

  • 丹麦拒绝与俄罗斯展开北极双边谈判

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  • 乌克兰总统声称俄罗斯或发起全面入侵

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  • 11月起开网约车须考试 出租拒载绕道可罚两千

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  • 巴黎圣母院附近现可疑煤气罐车 车主已被拘留

    Paris police have arrested a man on the terrorism watch list after his car was found near the Notre Dame Cathedral with seven gas cylinders inside. 巴黎警方日前逮捕了恐怖主义观察名单上的一名男子,他的车停在圣母院大教堂...

  • 威尼斯电影节落幕 《离开的女人》斩获金狮奖

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  • ISIS公开声称恐袭澳大利亚 总理表示将非常警惕

    Australia will offer more help to South East Asian countries to prevent terror attacks across the region. 澳大利亚将对东南亚国家提供更多的援助,以防止发生恐怖袭击。 Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is set to discuss securi...

  • 中国首列空铁列车下线 设计至研发仅4个月

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  • 8名中国游客在以色列餐馆遭遇天价账单

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  • 了解炒股的最新途径 看微博搜帖子!

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  • 快播CEO王欣当庭认罪 涉案高管向网民致歉

    Four executives of online video service Qvod who are on trial for spreading pornography for profits and who had pled innocent in a previous trial, changed their pleas to guilty last Friday in a new open trial in Beijing. 在上周五于北京举行的公...

  • 郑徐线开通运营 中国高铁突破两万公里

    China's operating high-speed railways (HSR) now exceed 20,000 km in length with the opening of a line linking Zhengzhou in Henan with Xuzhou in Jiangsu. 近日,河南郑州至江苏徐州的高铁线路开通,标志着我国高铁运营里程现已...

  • 气囊存缺陷 通用宣布全球召回430万辆汽车

    The US car company General Motors is recalling more than four million vehicles worldwide due to a software defect linked to at least one death. 因软件问题造成至少一名车主死亡,美国汽车制造商通用汽车公司正在全球召回4...
