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  • 功夫巨星成龙获奥斯卡终身成就奖

    Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan is set to be given an honorary Oscar by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) for his exceptional contributions in cinema, according to a report. 据报道,由于成龙在电影上的杰出贡献...

  • 中国银行业将为煤企钢企债务重组买单

    Chinas banks are set to be the biggest losers in the sweeping bailouts of the countrys steel and coal industries. 中国的银行将成为对国内钢铁、煤炭行业全面纾困的最大牺牲品。 Local governments hoping to save their steel mil...

  • 美联储官员表示 加息理由充足

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  • 汉堡王在新广告中推出一款墨西哥卷饼汉堡

    With Burger Kings new ad featuring a hamburger looks like a burrito, or Pepsis revival of its eery-looking clear cola, it seems that fast-food slingers are spending more time creating attention-grabbing concoctions in their labs rather than fresh ide...

  • 德州盛夏的另类风景 蝙蝠如暴雨般从天而降

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  • 反对高管高薪的力量很薄弱 CEO该不该为薪资辩白

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  • 中国忠旺拟收购美国铝制品企业

    A controversial Chinese metals entrepreneur plans to acquire Aleris, a privately held American rolled aluminium products producer, for $1.11bn in cash plus $1.22bn in net debt. 一位引发争议的中国金属制品企业家计划以11.1亿美元现金...

  • 世界真的需要更多的大学吗

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  • 特朗普抓住了贸易失衡的关键

    Both US and European policymakers have misdiagnosed what ails the global economy. 美国和欧洲的政策制定者都错判了全球经济的困境。 It is not a short-run, cyclical problem curable with textbook Keynesian stimuli (and exotics like...

  • 苹果面临欧洲最大税收罚单

    Apple will on Tuesday be hit with Europes largest tax penalty after Brussels ruled that the company received illegal state aid from Ireland. 苹果(Apple)将在周二接到欧洲最大的税收罚单,此前布鲁塞尔裁定该公司得到了爱尔兰...

  • 世行未能完成节约目标 净节省只有2亿美元

    The World Bank is set to make net savings that are half the size of a much-touted $400m target as administrative costs rise on a surge in lending, despite a contentious reorganisation pushed through by Jim Yong Kim, its president. 尽管世界银行(...

  • 美国暂停受理中印公民EB-1签证 本财年名额已满

    The US State Department has temporarily halted EB-1 visa applications from Chinese and Indian nationals due to a dramatic increase in worldwide demand for the visas. 美国国务院已暂时停止受理中国和印度公民的EB-1签证申请,原因是...

  • 江苏徐州新举措 闯红灯者学习交规可免罚款

    Anyone caught dodging the traffic in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, is taken to one of the roadside rooms straight away and taught about traffic laws by local police officers, the China News Service reports. 据中国新闻社报道,在江苏省徐州市,...

  • 调查显示 亚洲企业网络安全状况世界范围内最差

    Many Asian organisations are badly defended against cyber-attacks, a year-long investigation by US security company Mandiant indicates. 根据美国网络安全公司Mandiant一份长达一年的调查显示,许多亚洲企业在抵御黑客网络攻...

  • 国家发改委称 民资将可参与165项大项目

    China plans to complete 165 key projects during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) period, and will welcome the participation of social and private capital, a senior official said last Tuesday. 一位高级官员于上周二表示,我国计划在十三...
