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  • 中国证监会将对股市开户数量进行限制

    China will soon allow individual investors to open no more than three accounts for Shanghai-listed shares following the detection of a growing number of fake registrations in recent months. 近几个月以来,随着有关部门查出越来越多的虚...

  • 英前首相卡梅伦辞保守党议员职务 结束政治生涯

    Former British Prime Minister David Cameron has resigned as a Conservative Member of Parliament two months after he quit as prime minister in the wake of the June Brexit referendum. 英国前首相戴维卡梅伦辞去了保守党国会议员的职务。...

  • 中国资本涌入欧洲尖端技术产业引发担忧

    HONG KONG After a customer canceled a large order at the last minute, shares in Aixtron, a German high-tech company, sank fast. 香港一个客户在最后时刻取消一笔大订单后,德国高科技公司爱思强(Aixtron)的股价迅速下滑。...

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    Russian hackers possibly the same group that compromised the Democratic National Committees computer servers two months ago have made top American athletes their latest target. 一些俄罗斯黑客跟两个月前侵入民主党全国委员会计算机...

  • 西方大学的三学期制 适合我们吗

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  • 应对气候变化 打造宜居城市

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  • 支付宝提现10月12日起收费 每人2万免费额度

    首页 - 手机APP下载 - 网址 - 资料下载 - 查词 - 翻译 - 地盘 - 论坛 - 建议 登录 | 注册 听力提升 英语听力 听写训练 迷你新闻 经济学人 广播 VOA慢 VOA常 BBC CNN NPR FOX PBS 口语提升 英语口语 情景会话...

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    Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer stands to collect a $44 million severance package if she leaves after Verizon completes its purchase of the once-mighty internet company. 在威瑞森电信完成对雅虎这一曾经的互联网巨头收购之后,如果雅虎...

  • 剥夺利率和汇率调整机制 欧元先天不足

    That Europe, and especially the eurozone, has not been doing well since the 2008 crisis is beyond dispute. 自2008年金融危机以来,欧洲特别是欧元区便一直没有健康过,这是无可争议的。 The single currency was supposed to...

  • 中国大学校园面临性骚扰问题

    A Chinese undergraduates expos of alleged sexual harassment on a prestigious Beijing university campus has grabbed the countrys attention and lifted the lid on a taboo topic in China. 一名中国大学生对北京一所著名大学校园内涉嫌性骚...

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