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  • 看老友记学英语 面条里的钻戒 (Rachel enters from her room.) -Rachel: Has anybody seen my engagement ring? 看到我的订婚戒指了吗? -Phoebe: Yeah, it's beautiful. 恩,它很漂亮 -Rachel: Oh God, oh God, oh God oh God oh God oh God.... (Starts to look under the couch
  • 看老友记学英语 我是孩子的父亲 -Ross: (standing outside the door).....Hi. 嗨. -Monica: Wow. That is not a happy hi. 这可不是个高兴的嗨. -Ross: Carol's pregnant. carol 怀孕了. -Phoebe: (while everyone else is stunned) Ooh! I found it! 我找到了. -Monica: W-w-wh-...
  • 看老友记学英语 要命的父母 [Scene, Monica and Rachel's, Monica and Ross are pouring wine for their parents.] -Mrs. Geller: Oh, Martha Ludwin's daughter is gonna call you. (Tastes a snack) Mmm! What's that curry taste? Martha Ludwin的女儿会打电话给你,嗯,怎么会有
  • 看老友记学英语 像奶牛一样满足 [Time Lapse, everyone is now eating.] -Mrs. Geller: What that Rachel did to her life.... We ran into her parents at the club, they were not playing very well. Rachel到底怎么了? 我们在俱乐部遇见她父母他们很不开心 -Mr. Geller: I'm
  • 看老友记学英语 爹妈不能换啊 [Scene: Central Park, everyone's there.] -Joey: Your folks are really that bad, huh? 你的父母真的那么糟糕吗? -Ross: Well, you know, these people are pros. They know what they're doing, they take their time, they get the job done. 你要知
  • 看老友记学英语 真的会厮守终生吗? -Ross: ...How long was I in there? 我在里面多久了? -Rachel: I'm just cleaning up. 我刚刚打扫. -Ross: Oh, you need any help? 需要帮忙吗? -Rachel: Uh.. okay, sure! Thanks! (She hands him the broom and sits down.) 好呀,谢了。
  • 看老友记学英语 我怎能忘记她? [Scene: Carol's OB/GYN, Carol is waiting.] -Ross: (entering) Sorry I'm late, I was stuck at work. There was this big dinosaur... thing... anyway. 抱歉,我迟到了,我忙得无法脱身恐龙之类的事. (Susan enters holding a drink.) -Susan: H
  • 看老友记学英语 是我甩的他 [Scene Barry's office, Barry is working on patient, Robbie, as Rachel enters.] -Rachel: Barry? Barry? -Barry: Come on in. 进来吧. -Rachel: (hesitates) Are you sure? 你确定吗? -Barry: Yeah! It's fine, it's fine. Robbie's gonna be here for hou
  • 看老友记学英语 跟老鼠一个名 [Scene: Carol's OB/GYN, they're talking about how this is going to work.] -Ross: So, um- so how's this, uh, how's this all gonna work? 我们该如何处理此事? -Susan: The baby grows in a special place inside themommy. 婴儿在母亲身体中一
  • 看老友记学英语 你们俩好上了? [Scene: Barry's office, Rachel is doing her makeup in the mirror on Barry's lamp as Barry enters.] -Barry: Sorry about that. So, what have you been up to? 抱歉,近来可好? -Rachel: Oh, not much. I-I got a job. 混得过去,我刚找到工作
  • 看老友记学英语 我们都很恶心 [Scene: Carol's OB/GYN, they're still arguing about what to name the baby] -Susan: Oh, please! What's wrong with Helen? 拜托,Helen有什么不好? -Ross: Helen Geller? I don't think so. Helen Geller?不行. -Carol: Hello? It's not gonna be. 她不会
  • 看老友记学英语 再给扑克牌一次机会 Rachel: Hi! 嗨! Ross: Hey. 嗨! Rachel: Guys! Guess what, guess what, guess what, guess what! 猜猜看怎么样,快猜猜看,猜一猜! Chandler: Um, ok... the... the fifth dentist caved and now they're all recommending Trident? 第五个牙
  • 看老友记学英语 我让你低头看了 Ross: So, you gals wanna hand over your money now? That way, we don't have to go through the formality of actually playing. 现在可以交出钱来吗?如此我们就不必正式玩了。 Rachel: Ooooh, that's fine. We'll see who has the last laug
  • 看老友记学英语 跟不跟的问题 Rachel: I'm in. I couldn't be inner. Monica? 我跟。Monica? Phoebe: Monica, in or out? Monica,跟还是不跟? Monica: I hate this game! 我讨厌玩牌! Phoebe: OK Joey, your bet. Joey,你呢? Joey: Ahhh, I fold like a cheap hooker who
  • 看老友记学英语 你不是狠角色吗? Monica: Sorry, Rach. 对不起,Rach。 Phoebe: You know, there's gonna be lots of other stuff. 你知道,工作满街都是的。 Rachel: Yeah...OK. Where were we? Oh, OK... five card draw, uh... jacks or better... nothing wild, everybody ante. 玩