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  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第46期 淡水资源(03) Invertebrates dominate these upper reaches. 无脊椎动物统治着上游河段 The hellgrammite, its body flattened to reduce drag, 这是鱼蛉,其扁平的身体能减少水的冲击力 has bushy gills to extract oxygen from the current. 并依靠
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第47期 淡水资源(04) Giant salamanders, the world's largest amphibian, almost two metres long. 大鲵世界上最大的两栖动物,几乎能长到2米长 They're the only large predator in these icy waters. They begin their hunt at night. 它们是这些冰水中唯一的
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第48期 淡水资源(05) A grizzly bear. From famine to feast, he's spoilt for choice. 一只灰熊。它已经很久没有打牙祭了,早就盼着这个机会 This Canadian bear is very special. 这只加拿大熊很特别 He's learnt to dive for his dinner. 它学会了潜
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第49期 淡水资源(06) For the past five million years, 在过去的500万年中 Arizona's Colorado River has eaten away at the desert sandstone to create a gigantic canyon. 亚利桑那州的科罗拉多河冲走了大量沙石,形成一个巨大深邃的峡谷 It's ove
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第50期 淡水资源(07) Fishing practice begins when the cubs are four months old. 小水獭在4个月大时就开始学习捕鱼 Only the adults have the speed and agility needed to make a catch. 只有成年水獭才具备捕鱼所需的速度和灵巧 Adults share their
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第51期 淡水资源(08) Lines of wildebeest are on the march. 一队队的角马正在迁徙途中 Each year, nearly two million animals migrate across the Serengeti Plains in search of fresh, green pastures. 每年都会有将近200万只角马横越塞伦盖蒂平原,去寻
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第52期 淡水资源(09) Most rivers drain into the sea, but some end their journey in vast lakes. 大部分河流都汇入大海,可有些河流的终点却是大型湖泊 Worldwide, lakes hold 20 times more fresh water than all the rivers. 全球湖泊淡水储量比江河
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第53期 淡水资源(10) This lake can be a dangerous place. 马拉维湖也是个危机四伏的地方 After dark, predatory dolphin fish emerge from their daytime lairs among the rocks. 到了晚上,掠食性的长颌鱼纷纷游出它们白天潜伏的石缝 Like packs
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第54期 淡水资源(11) At dawn, the first adult midges start to break out. 黎明时分,第一只成蚊破蛹而出 Soon, millions upon millions of newly-hatched lake flies are taking to the wing. 不久,成百上千万只新羽化的幽蚊全都扇动着翅膀飞到空中
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第55期 淡水资源(12) Baikal is the oldest lake in the world 贝加尔湖是世界上最古老的湖泊 and despite the harsh conditions, life flourishes here in isolation. 尽管生存条件恶劣,生命仍在这个与世隔绝的地方得到了兴盛 80% of its specie
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第56期 淡水资源(13) The planet's indisputable super river is the Amazon. 地球上的超级大河毫无疑问就是亚马逊河 It carries as much water as the next top 10 biggest rivers combined. 它的水量是世界十大江河中其余9条大河的总和 Rising in t
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第57期 淡水资源(14) Botos are highly social, and in the breeding season, there is stiff competition for mates. 亚马逊江豚是高度社会型动物。在繁殖季节,会有一场激烈的求偶竞赛 The males hold court in a unique way. 雄江豚会以独特的方式
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第58期 淡水资源(15) All the world's great broad waterfalls, Victoria, Niagara and here, Iguagu, 所有世界上最大的瀑布,维多利亚瀑布、尼亚加拉瀑布,还有这里的依瓜苏瀑布 are only found in the lower courses of their rivers. 都是位于河流
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第59期 淡水资源(16) Ripening fig trees, overhanging the water's edge, provide welcome food for shoals of hungry fish. 水边生长着高大的无花果树,为饥饿的鱼群提供美味食物 The commotion attracts dorado, known locally as the river tiger. 骚动引来了
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第60期 淡水资源(17) When rivers finally reach the sea, 当江河最终汇入大海时 they slow down, release their sediment and build deltas. 水流减缓,留下大量泥沙,堆成了三角洲 In Bangladesh, the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers join to form the world'