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  • 乔布斯传 第689期:2010年1月,iPad发布(6) Jobs went to the Apple store in Palo Alto shortly before noon on April 5, the day the iPad went on sale. 4月5日中午之前,乔布斯来到帕洛奥图的苹果专卖店,这是iPad开始销售的日子。 Daniel Kottke -- his acid-dropping soul
  • 乔布斯传 第690期:2010年1月,iPad发布(7) The question What's on your iPad? replaced What's on your iPod? 以前,人们会互相询问:你的iPod里面有什么?现在这个问题变成了:你的iPad上有什么? Even President Obama's staffers, who embraced the iPad as a mark of t
  • 乔布斯传 第691期:广告(1) Advertising 广告 Jobs was not happy with the original ads for the iPad. 乔布斯对于iPad原来的广告并不满意。 As usual, he threw himself into the marketing, 像往常一样,他全身心投入营销工作之中, working with James Vi
  • 乔布斯传 第692期:广告(2) James Vincent had not taken a break in months. 为了做iPad的广告,詹姆斯文森特几个月都没有休息。 So when the iPad finally went on sale and the ads started airing, he drove with his family to the Coachella Music Festival in Palm S
  • 乔布斯传 第693期:广告(3) It took Vincent and his team two weeks to come up with an array of new options, 文森特及其团队花了两周时间拿出了一系列新的备选方案, and he asked to present them at Jobs's house rather than the office, hoping that it would b
  • 乔布斯传 第694期:广告(4) So Vincent and Milner, along with the copywriter Eric Grunbaum, began crafting what they dubbed The Manifesto. 于是,文森特、米尔纳以及文案埃里克格伦鲍姆开始制作乔布斯想要的广告片,他们称之为宣言。 It would
  • 乔布斯传 第695期:应用程序(1) Apps 应用程序 The iPad commercials were not about the device, but about what you could do with it. iPad广告没有介绍设备本身,而是讲述你可以用它做什么。 Indeed its success came not just from the beauty of the hardware but f
  • 乔布斯传 第696期:应用程序(2) Board member Art Levinson was among those pushing to allow iPhone apps. 董事会成员亚瑟莱文森和一些人主张开放iPhone应用程序。 I called him a half dozen times to lobby for the potential of the apps, he recalled. 我给他打了很多
  • 乔布斯传 第697期:应用程序(3) Jobs soon figured out that there was a way to have the best of both worlds. 乔布斯很快就想到了一个两全其美的好办法。 He would permit outsiders to write apps, 他将允许外部开发人员编写应用程序, but they would have
  • 乔布斯传 第698期:应用程序(4) The App Store created a new industry overnight. 应用程序商店在一夜之间创造了一个新的产业。 In dorm rooms and garages and at major media companies, entrepreneurs invented new apps. 创业者们在宿舍、车库,以及主流媒体
  • 乔布斯传 第699期:出版和新闻(1) Publishing and Journalism 出版和新闻 With the iPod, Jobs had transformed the music business. 乔布斯用iPod改变了音乐产业。 With the iPad and its App Store, he began to transform all media, from publishing to journalism to television a
  • 乔布斯传 第700期:出版和新闻(2) The day after the iPad launch, Jobs described to me his thinking on books: Amazon screwed it up. iPad发布第二天,乔布斯就向我讲述了自己对于图书的想法:亚马逊搞砸了。 It paid the wholesale price for some books, but star
  • 乔布斯传 第701期:出版和新闻(3) Right after the iPad launch event, Jobs traveled to New York in February 2010 to meet with executives in the journalism business. 2010年2月,iPad发布活动之后不久,乔布斯前往纽约同新闻界的髙管们会面。 In two days he saw R
  • 乔布斯传 第702期:出版和新闻(4) Jobs was particularly interested in striking a deal with the New York Times, 乔布斯尤其想要和《纽约时报》达成交易, which he felt was a great newspaper in danger of declining because it had not figured out how to charge for digital
  • 乔布斯传 第703期:出版和新闻(5) When one of the Times circulation executives insisted that the paper needed the email and credit card information for all of its subscribers, 《纽约时报》的一位发行主管坚持,报纸需要所有订阅用户的电子邮件和信用卡信息