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  • 乔布斯传 第614期:期权(2) 搜索 复制 Making matters worse was a June 2001 cover story in Fortune about overcompensated CEOs, The Great CEO Pay Heist. 雪上加霜的是,《财富》杂志2001年6月刊登了一篇题为薪酬大盗CEO的封面报道,直指CEO薪酬过高
  • 乔布斯传 第615期:期权(3) 搜索 复制 His handpicked board in fact doted on him. 事实上,乔布斯亲手选定的董事们并没有亏待他。 So they decided to give him another huge grant in August 2001, when the stock price was just under $18. 他们于2001年8月决定
  • 乔布斯传 第616期:期权(4) 搜索 复制 Once again Jobs would end up suffering bad publicity without making a penny. 最终,乔布斯又一次在分文未得的情况下遭到了公众的恶评。 Apple's stock price kept dropping, and by March 2003 even the new options wer
  • 乔布斯传 第617期:期权(5) 搜索 复制 The laws governing such backdating practices were murky, 针对这类日期倒签行为的法律模糊不清, especially since no one at Apple ended up benefiting from the dubiously dated grants. 特别是,苹果公司最终并没有一
  • 乔布斯传 第618期:期权(6) 搜索 复制 Anderson thought he had been made a scapegoat. 安德森认为自己成了替罪羊。 When he settled with the SEC, his lawyer issued a statement that cast some of the blame on Jobs. 当他与证券交易委员会达成和解,他的律
  • 乔布斯传 第619期:期权(7) 搜索 复制 Contemptuous of rules and regulations, he created a climate that made it hard for someone like Heinen to buck his wishes. 他藐视规章制度,创造了一种环境,使得像海宁这样的人很难违背他的意愿。 At times, g
  • 乔布斯传 第620期:癌症(1) 搜索 复制 Cancer 癌症 Jobs would later speculate that his cancer was caused by the grueling year that he spent, starting in 1997, running both Apple and Pixar. 乔布斯后来推测,自己之所以会得癌症,是因为1997年辛苦工作了一
  • 乔布斯传 第621期:癌症(2) 搜索 复制 Her tone of voice was urgent enough that he complied. 她的语气十分迫切,乔布斯不得不听从。 He went in early one morning, and after studying the scan, 他一大早就去了医院,在研究过扫描结果后, the doc
  • 乔布斯传 第622期:癌症(3) 搜索 复制 Art Levinson, who was on Apple's board, was chairing the board meeting of his own company, Genentech, 亚瑟莱文森当时是苹果公司董事会成员,他正在主持自己的基因泰克公司的董事会会议, when his cell ph
  • 乔布斯传 第623期:癌症(4) 搜索 复制 The big thing was that he really was not ready to open his body, Powell recalled. 最大的问题在于他还没准备好要开刀,鲍威尔回忆说, It's hard to push someone to do that. She did try, however. 很难强迫一个人这
  • 乔布斯传 第624期:癌症(5) 搜索 复制 Jobs's obstinacy lasted for nine months after his October 2003 diagnosis. 自2003年10月肿瘤确诊以来,乔布斯顽固地坚持了9个月。 Part of it was the product of the dark side of his reality distortion field. 这部分是因
  • 乔布斯传 第625期:癌症(6) 搜索 复制 Jobs sent employees an email the next day, 手术后第二天,乔布斯给公司员工发送了一封邮件, using his PowerBook hooked up to an AirPort Express in his hospital room, announcing his surgery. 他是在医院病房用P
  • 乔布斯传 第626期:斯坦福大学毕业典礼演讲(1) 搜索 复制 The Stanford Commencement 斯坦福大学毕业典礼演讲 Jobs kept his continuing battle with the cancer secret -- he told everyone that he had been cured 乔布斯隐瞒了他继续与癌症抗争的实情,告诉大家,他已被治
  • 乔布斯传 第627期:斯坦福大学毕业典礼演讲(2) 搜索 复制 Jobs got panicky. He had always written his own presentations, but he had never done a commencement address. 乔布斯有点儿不安。以前产品展示的脚本都是他自己写的,但是他从来没有在毕业典礼上作过演讲
  • 乔布斯传 第628期:斯坦福大学毕业典礼演讲(3) 搜索 复制 The students were unusually attentive, despite a plane circling overhead with a banner that exhorted recycle all e-waste, 尽管现场有架飞机挂着一张敦促乔布斯回收所有电子废物的条幅,不停地在演讲场地上方