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相关教程: 双语有声阅读
  • 双语有声阅读:行为决定命运

    Unit11 You Are What You Do 第十一课 行为决定命运 If the past has taught us anything, it is that every cause brings effect, every action has a consequence. 过去的日子若曾经教过我们些什么的话,那便是有因必有果,每一...

  • 双语有声阅读:拥有今天 Today Is All We Have

    Today Is All We Have 拥有今天 Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. The new day is here, and so are you! Now that we've started this new day, I hope that you're ready to give your best to it, and to enjoy it for all that it's...

  • 双语有声阅读:谱写生命的乐章 Write Your Own Life

    In the front gardens, even in the rain, I notice the first signs of spring and the greyness of winter giving way to small yellow white and purple flowers. Spring is rising in all the animals which include us humans. So we smile good mornings to our n...

  • 双语有声阅读:为别人而活

    Unit10 For the Sake of Other Men 第十课 为别人而活 Strange is our situation here upon earth. 我们在地球上的处境真是奇妙。 Each of us comes for a short visit,not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. 我们每一...

  • 双语有声阅读:动植物间的差异

    Differences Between Plants and Animals 动植物间的差异 There are several characteristics which distinguish plants from animals. 有许多特征可将植物和动物区分开来。 Generally speaking, plants are able to manufacture their own foo...

  • 双语有声阅读:我学会坚强 I Learn To Be Strong

    This poem is about someone whom I deeply cared about. The feelings were never returned, but I learned that with or without his love, I could make it and always remain strong and happy. 这首诗是关于一个我非常关心的人。感觉再也没有回...

  • 双语有声阅读:爱美

    Unit9 The Love of Beauty 第九课 爱美 The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. 爱美乃是所有正常的人性中不可或缺的一部分。 It is a moral quality. 它是心灵的特质。 The absences of it is not a...

  • 双语有声阅读:摄人心魄的月出

    摄人心魄的月出 Here is a hill near my home that I often climb at night. 我家附近有座小山。夜晚时分,我常去爬山。 The noise of the city is far-off murmur. 此时,都市的喧嚣变成了渺茫的低语。 In the hush of the...

  • 双语有声阅读:梦想—你心中永远的激情

    Your Name 你的名字 Jessica Blade 杰西卡.布莱德 I wrote your name in the sky, 我把你的名字写在蓝天, but the wind blew it away. 可风却把它吹散; I wrote your name in the sand, 我把你的名字写在沙滩, but the waves wash...

  • 双语有声阅读:快乐之钥

    Unit8 A Key to Happiness 第八课 快乐之钥 To help others,you don't have to be an efficient expert in the art; the main thing is the intention. 你若想助人,并不一定要在助人的艺术方面猛下工夫,重要的是你有没有一颗...

  • 双语有声阅读:音乐之乡维也纳

    Viennathe Land of Music 维也纳音乐之乡 On the first night of the New Year, 在新年之夜 people's eyes are frequently drawn to Vienna. 人们的目光常常被吸引到维也纳来, The first-rate orchestra 一流的管弦乐队 and its wo...

  • 双语有声阅读:友谊

    To be compassionate is, if we take the word to bits, to suffer with another, to feel their suffering almost as if it is our own. So someone can work hard to relieve suffering, and be highly skilled in doing so, without thereby exhibiting compassion -...

  • 双语有声阅读:我最喜欢的颜色

    My Favorite Color 我最喜欢的颜色 Have you ever seen the rainbow, 你见过彩虹吗? whose colors puzzled me so much in my childhood, in the blue sky after a heavy rain? 在我童年时,彩虹的色彩让我大为不解,在一场大雨后出现...

  • 双语有声阅读:城市的黎明

    The City at Dawn 城市的黎明 It is alway a wonder-ful time to gaze at the beauty of nature in the morning. 清晨,凝视着大自然的美景,总是美妙的。 It makes our minds become so peaceful and calm 这样会让我们的心变得宁静安然...

  • 双语有声阅读:珍惜自由 Freedom

    诗歌原文: Freedom 珍惜自由 Of all the wonderful gifts that we've been given, one of the greatest is freedom. 在众多的我们天生被赋予的美妙礼物中,自由是最伟大的礼物之一。 Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to...
