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相关教程: 双语有声阅读
  • 【双语有声阅读】我真笨 I'm Stupid!(上)

    I'm Stupid! 我真笨! Stupid people should have to wear signs that just say, I'm Stupid. That way you wouldn't have to rely on them, would you? You wouldn't ask them anything. It would be like, Excuse me...oops... never mind, didn't see your sign....

  • 【双语有声阅读】我真笨 I'm Stupid!(下)

    We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. 一年前,我们曾打算卖了我们的车。 A guy came over to the house and drove the car around for about 45 minutes. 一个哥们来看车,然后在附近开了45分钟。 We get back to the...

  • 【双语有声阅读】比尔·盖茨与通用汽车公司(上)

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  • 【双语有声阅读】比尔·盖茨与通用汽车公司(下)

    and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine. 并且不能重启,在这种情况下,你将不得不重新安装引擎。 5. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun, was reliable, five times as fast an...

  • 【双语有声阅读】失眠人的太阳 Sun of the Sleepless

    Sun of the Sleepless George Gordon Byron 失眠人的太阳乔治戈登拜伦 Sun of the sleepless! melancholy star! 呵,失眠人的太阳!忧郁的星! Whose tearful beam glows tremulously far, 有如泪珠,你射来抖颤的光明 That sho...

  • 【双语有声阅读】世界上最大的家庭(上)

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  • 【双语有声阅读】世界上最大的家庭(下)

    Mrs. Albina now has 16 more girls, including the twins who are 15 months old. 阿宾娜太太现在有16多个女儿,包括5个月大的双胞胎。 The oldest Albina children are in their 30s and 40s. They're on their own now, 阿宾娜年纪最大的...

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  • 【双语有声阅读】一条美丽的裙子

    A Beautiful Dress 一条美丽的裙子 My neighbor's eight-year-old daughter used to stay in the countryside, her native place. 我邻居八岁的女儿之前住在乡下,她的老家。 Recently her parents brought her to town to live with them. 最...

  • 【双语有声阅读】再别康桥 Goodbye Again, Cambridge

    Goodbye Again, Cambridge 再别康桥徐志摩 I leave softly, gently, 轻轻的我走了, Exactly as I came. 正如我轻轻的来; I wave to the western sky, 我轻轻的招手, Telling it goodbye softly, gently. 作别西天的云彩。 The...

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    Lighten Up 放松心情 These days, it seems that almost all of us have something to worry about. 这些日子,似乎我们每个人都有担心的事情。 People are frustrated and uptight about almost everythingbeing five minutes late, 人们对很...

  • 【双语有声阅读】放松心情 Lighten Up(下)

    The next step is to understand the link between your expectations and your frustration level. 第二步是要了解你的期望和挫折感水平之间的联系。 Whenever you expect something to be a certain way and it isn't, 当你期待某件事以...

  • 【双语有声阅读】希望 Hope

    Hope Emily Bronte 希望艾米莉勃朗特 Hope was but a timid friend; 希望只是个羞怯的友伴, She sat without the grated den, 她坐在我的囚牢之外, Watching how my fate would tend, 以自私者的冷眼旁观 Even as selfish-hear...

  • 【双语有声阅读】只因一个微笑 Just A Little Smile

    Just A Little Smile 只因一个微笑 Mike was walking home from school one day when he noticed a boy ahead of him had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with two sweaters, a baseball bat, a glove and a tape recorder. Mike k...

  • 【双语有声阅读】二十四年 Twenty-Four Years

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