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    Xie Qiujun, a 26-year-old woman in Chengdu, Sichuan province, lost both her hands in a fire when she was just 4 years old. 来自四川成都的谢秋君,今年26岁,在4岁时,由于一场火灾,她失去了双手。 After about 40 surgeries...

  • 我国20省出台无户口人员落户细则

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  • 科学家宣布地质纪元进入人类世

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    Conspiracy theorists have claimed Hillary Clinton used a body double after she suffered a dizzy spell at the 9/11 memorial on Sunday. 美国民主党总统候选人希拉里?克林顿在周日的911纪念活动上一阵头晕,被扶离场。如今,...

  • 大学教育纯属浪费钱财的10大原因(上)

    The idea of a college education is as American as apple pie. We all grow up with the hope that we can have a college education and that one is necessary in order to succeed in life. 接受大学教育对于美国人来说就像吃苹果派一样稀松平...

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