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  • 福克斯新闻 大量接收移民对美国好还是坏? Twitter can ban all the thought criminals it wants, but in the end, Twitter is not in charge of the future. 推特可以禁止它想要禁止的所有思想罪犯,但最终,推特并不能掌控未来。 Nature is in charge of the future. 大自然
  • 福克斯新闻 美国教育部长面临辞职的呼声 Education secretary Miguel Cardona is facing calls to resign as a national school board -- official claims he solicited the letter comparing protesting parents to domestic terrorists. 教育部长米格尔卡多纳正面临要求他辞去全国学校董
  • 福克斯新闻 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校女研究生被杀害 Out in Los Angeles, thefts against cargo trains are now spiking and the Union Pacific Railroad is now blasting failed far left District Attorney George Gascon for lenient sentences that downgrade serious theft charges to a lesser offense. 在洛杉矶,
  • 福克斯新闻 美国警察遭蓄意杀害事件创近20年来新高 In New York City, a career criminal viciously targeting two NYPD officers, killing one, critically injuring another. 在纽约市,一名职业罪犯恶意袭击两名纽约警察,造成一人死亡,一人重伤。 Officer Jason Rivera was only
  • 福克斯新闻 他们不承认是伪君子 Hmm. It's official, you can now add these goobers to the list of other invertebrates like jelly fish, slugs, snails and tapeworms. 嗯。这是官方的,你现在可以将这些花生添加到诸如水母、鼻涕虫、蜗牛和绦虫等其他无脊椎
  • 福克斯新闻 特鲁多启动《紧急状态法》 Canada canceled democracy last night, and the remarkable thing is, no one in this country seemed to notice that it happened. 加拿大昨晚取消了民主,值得注意的是,这个国家似乎没有人注意到这件事发生了。 There was no
  • 福克斯新闻 这场冲突将会如何影响美国民众? If you've been watching the news, you know that Putin is having a border dispute with a nation called Ukraine. 如果你一直在看新闻,你就会知道普京正与一个名为乌克兰的国家发生边界争端。 Now the main thing to know abo
  • 福克斯新闻 拜登发表国情咨文谈乌克兰危机 Joe Biden delivered this country's first ever State of Ukraine address last night. 乔拜登昨晚首次发表美国的乌克兰国情咨文。 Biden spoke for a little more than an hour before a joint session of Congress. 拜登在国会参众两院联
  • 福克斯新闻 拜登的演讲获得了热烈掌声 You may have noticed that Joe Biden announced today a new front in his ongoing war against America's middle class. 你们可能已经注意到,乔拜登今天宣布了他与美国中产阶级的持续战争的新战线。 Biden didn't frame it that
  • 福克斯新闻 美国一官员称美在乌境内开设了25到30个生物实验室 Here are the undeniable facts. 以下是不可否认的事实。 There are 25 to 30 U.S. funded biolabs in Ukraine. 乌克兰有25到30个美国资助的生物实验室。 According to the U.S. government, these biolabs are conducting research on dan
  • 福克斯新闻 乌总统叫停乌反对党活动 搜索 复制 But first tonight, what exactly is democracy? 但今晚,首先,民主到底是什么? Well, pluralism is the hallmark of it. 嗯,多元化是它的特征。 In a democracy, citizens can have any opinion they want to have. 在民主
  • 福克斯新闻 拜登正在失去控制情绪的能力 搜索 复制 So you know exactly what that is. 所以你很清楚那是什么。 You've seen it in people around you, people you love. 你在你周围的人身上看到过,在你爱的人身上看到过。 It has nothing to do with politics. 这与政
  • 福克斯新闻 如何定义女性 That shouldn't be a tough question to answer. 这应该不是一个很难回答的问题。 If someone asked me, hey, Greg, what is a woman? 如果有人问我,嘿,格雷格,女性是什么? I just show him this picture. 我给他看了这张照
  • 福克斯新闻 他们为了保护乔·拜登都在撒谎 搜索 复制 We all now know that is a flat out lie. We have evidence to prove it. 我们现在都知道这是彻头彻尾的谎言。我们有证据可以证明。 And not only did Joe know about his son's business partners, he actually met with hi
  • 福克斯新闻 这一切都是为了保护他们的权力 搜索 复制 We begin tonight with a Fox News Alert. 我们今晚从福克斯新闻警报开始。 According to reports, the CDC is urging the Department of Justice to appeal a Florida judges ruling to invalidate the federal mask mandate for public