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  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第3期:不会再见 She's in there, isn't she? 她在里面 是不是 You're with her, now. 你现在就跟她在一起 - Melissa-- - Ian, I know she's here! -梅丽莎 -伊恩 我知道她在这儿 Ian, move! 伊恩 让开 Just... wait... Stop, stop! 等等 别去 停下
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第4期:失踪的女儿 Bitch can't see you, but I do. 贱人看不到你 但我可以 Tonight's the night I kill you. 今晚就是你的死期 Knowing what I had on her, I mean, 知道她自己的把柄在我手上后 Jenna would never have sent that text. 詹娜绝不敢给
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季24集 第5期:怀疑每一个人 I wasn't safe anywhere. 我在哪儿都不安全 But I finally had a weapon to fight back. 但我终于找到了反击的武器 I realized that everyone I suspected... 我发现我怀疑的每一个人 ...even the four of you, 包括你们四个 were
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第6期:选择了相信 What do you want, Toby? 你想干什么 托比 I can't believe you drugged us. 我不敢相信你居然给我们下了药 If I got another A threat while you guys were asleep, 如果你们睡着的时候我收到A的威胁 I could cross you off the l
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第7期:关心妹妹 I've always looked out for my sister. 我一直很关心我妹妹 So when I ran into her boyfriend in London, 在伦敦碰到她男友的时候 and he said she missed me, I decided to come home. 他说她想我了 我就决定回来了 Miss Hastings,
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第8期:神经病女友 And then I walked to the Kissing Rock to see Ian. 然后我就去了亲吻石见伊恩 Thanks for meeting me. That was some goodbye kiss. 谢谢赏脸 刚才只是个告别吻 No hard feelings, right? 没什么好生气的 对吗 Please. This was jus
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第9期:毁了任何人 If I get one more text or stupid doll, 如果我再接到莫名其妙的短信或者奇怪的娃娃 you're going to be buying your soap on a rope. 你就等着吃不了兜着走吧 You have no idea how much trouble you're going to be in, 如果你把这
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第10期:私家侦探 I've been waiting for you. 我一直在等你 Would you see if my wife is here, please? 你能去看看我妻子到了没有吗 Absolutely. Just one more thing, though. 当然可以 不过还有一件事 Why did you hire a private detective 艾莉森消
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第11期:活着的女儿 We have all of our resources committed to finding your daughter. 我们已经想尽办法找你的女儿了 We should have more information for you soon. 过不了多久 就有消息了 Thank you. 谢谢你 We got a lock on Spencer's GPS. The girls a
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第12期:零碎的记忆 I must have missed something. 我一定遗漏了什么 I did everything I could to protect her. 为了保护她 我做了所有能做的事 Oh, my God. 我的天啊 Dad, you think she did it? 爸爸 你觉得是她做的吗 You think Spencer killed t
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第15期:被追杀 I still can't believe somebody tried to kill you. 我还是不敢相信有人要杀你 Nobody followed us, right? They can't know that we're here. 没人跟踪我们吧 不能让人知道我们在这 I registered with the name you told me to use. 我照
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第16期:不化妆不去学校 Did I get everything you need? 你需要的东西都有了吗 Ali? 艾莉 You saved my life, Mona. 你救了我的命 梦娜 I don't know how I can thank you. 我不知道该怎么谢你 Thank me by staying gone. And staying safe. 想谢我就不要出
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第24集 第17期:人间蒸发 Thank you, Sandra, I appreciate it. 谢谢你 桑德拉 非常感谢 Mrs. Hastings, we just heard from the Philadelphia police. 海斯汀太太 费城警方那边刚发来消息 They're only a few minutes away. 他们马上就来了 I don't think we'