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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第1期:A追杀伊兹拉 Priority one. Mid-20s, male. 优先处理 25岁左右 男性 Single GSW to the abdomen. 腹部一处枪伤 Last pulse was 142. Systolic 80. 最新脉冲142 心脏收缩压80 He's herniating. Get him to the OR. 开始出现疝气了 送进手术室 Yo
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第3期:一切重演 Em, come on. 艾米 走了 Look, if you want to get to the hospital before them, 想赶在他们之前到医院 we have to go now. 就得立刻出发 We know that A is always one step ahead of us. 我们都知道A总是处处领先我们一步 Yeah. 是
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第4期:定时炸弹 The pills? 药片吗 The pills and the lying. 那些药片和谎言 It was just like last time Spencer was out of control. 就跟上回斯宾塞失控一模一样 It's so like Ali to do this to her. 这太像艾莉的作风了 Honey, we don't know an
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第5期:赢回前女友的心 I don't understand how Ezra found us. 我不明白以斯拉是怎么找到我们的 Maybe he didn't find us. 或许他不是来找我们的 I think he was following A. 我觉得他一直在跟踪A And A was following us. 而A在跟踪我们 This is w
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第6期:跟丢目标 I'm sorry you lost that bitch, 很遗憾你们跟丢了那个贱人 but you did get A out of here. 但你们把A从这里引开了 Is Ezra out of surgery? 以斯拉做完手术了吗 I heard them tell Ezra's mom 我听到他们告诉以斯拉的妈妈
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第7期:崇拜 I get it. 我感受到了 Get what? 感受到什么 It's hard to explain. 很难用言语解释 Try me. 说说呗 God, imagine being up here, 天呐 想象一下站在这里 with all those people out there who love you. 和那些坐在观众席上爱着
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第8期:富家子弟 Are you sure we're allowed to be here? 你确定我们可以待在这里吗 Who's there? 谁在那儿 Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Fitzgerald. 抱歉 费兹杰拉德先生 My apologies. 对不起 I was just locking up on my way out. 我正要锁门出去 No, d
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第9期:无法思考的状态 They don't open up the place until noon. 这里中午才开门 What was that? 什么声音 Spencer's stomach. 斯宾塞的肚子 Sorry, I haven't had anything to eat 抱歉 我在婚纱秀吃了个小蛋糕后 since a petit four at the bridal show. 就
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第11期:闲言碎语 Some of you may know each other, 你们当中可能有人互相认识 some of you may not. 也有可能不认识 But I picked you 我之所以选择你们 because we all have one thing 是因为我们都有一个 in common, 共通点 and that's Aliso
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第12期:闲言碎语 Exactly what is it you want us to do? 你到底要我们做什么 I want us to stick together. 我要大家团结一致 There's strength in numbers. 人多力量大 The bigger we are, the harder she falls. 我们越强大 她就输得越惨 I don't t
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第1集 第14期:愉快的意外 Put the gun down, Shana. 莎娜 把枪放下 Get back, Spencer. 后退 斯宾塞 Get back. 后退 I trusted you, Shana. 我以前很信任你 莎娜 You once told me the only way to trust 你以前告诉我信任一个人最好的方式 someone was t
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