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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第3集 第25期:犯罪现场 I meant to warn you that Alison might stop by. 我想提醒你艾莉森可能会过来 I just didn't think that she'd move so fast. 只是没想到她动作这么快 I just heard a knock on the door 我听到有人敲门 and I thought it might be you
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第3集 第27期:犯罪现场 您现在的位置: 首页 影视英语 美剧学习 美少女的谎言 正文 美剧《美少女的谎言》第五季3集第27期:犯罪现场 时间:2017-01-18 19:50:08 来源:可可英语 编辑:finn ? VIP免费外教试听课 | 可可官方微信
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第4集 第1期:别再折磨自己 Hanna? 汉娜 Look, there's no rule that says 没有明文规定说 you have to walk into school with her tomorrow. 你明天得和她一起走进学校 Well, it's not written down but it's understood. 是没有明文规定 但也算是大家心里明白
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第4集 第2期:害怕手机 You know, that text that's gonna come in 短信里会附上一张 with a picture of me standing over Shana's dead body. 我站在莎娜尸体边的照片 That picture doesn't exist. 根本不存在这样的照片 You don't have to live in fear of you
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第4集 第3期:第二次机会 Do you want me to talk to your dad? 要我跟你爸谈谈吗 Good luck finding him. 希望你能找到他 He's avoiding me like the plague. 他像躲瘟疫一样躲我 Does Alison know? 艾莉森知道吗 What you think he did to her mom? 你觉得他对
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第4集 第4期:欺骗是为了保护 I'll be right there. 我这就过去 What's going on? 怎么了 Shana is dead. 莎娜死了 She could hardly get out the words, 詹娜语无伦次 but Jenna said she was murdered. 但她说莎娜是被谋杀的 I'm sorry, Spence. 抱歉 斯宾塞 Oka
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第4集 第5期:被看扁 Maybe she's not coming. 也许她不会来了 Oh, she's coming. 她会来的 We should have picked her up. 我们该去接她的 Why didn't we pick her up? 我们为什么没接她 Her dad wanted to drop her off. 她爸爸想送她来 Guys, I don't t
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第4集 第6期:与众不同 I can't believe she's actually back in school. 简直不敢相信她居然回到了学校 As abnormal as this is, it kind of feels normal. 虽然很不寻常 但是感觉挺正常的 Baby steps. 总要迈出第一步 Spencer Hastings, 斯宾塞海斯汀
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第4集 第8期:目光如箭 Spence, call us back. 斯宾塞 回我们电话 We're getting worried. 我们开始担心了 I haven't seen Ali since first period. 第一节课之后我就没见到艾莉了 Maybe they skipped. 也许她们一起逃了课 No, Ali sent a text. 艾莉给
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第4集 第9期:免费披萨 I think I'm more of an Adele Dazeem than Idina Menzel. 相比易迪娜门泽 我更像是阿黛勒达兹 It's free pizza on a school night. 晚上还有免费披萨呢 You sure that doesn't trump 20 Questions with your mom? 你确定要在家里和妈妈
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第4集 第10期:优越感 Do you want me to leave? 要我先离开吗 It's okay if you stay. 你留下也行 Paige? 佩奇 It's up to you, Emily. 随便你 艾米丽 Thanks for getting us together, Em. 谢谢你让我们重聚 艾米 Paige and I are both lucky to have you as
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第4集 第12期:单方面的感情 We're here for you, Spence. 我们会陪着你的 斯宾塞 I promise. 我保证 You want to order some food? 要叫点外卖吗 Uh, I already have plans. 我还有别的事要做 It's a school thing. 和学校有关的事 Can I tag along? 我可以和