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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第3集 第10期:难忘的秘密 Two months. 两个月了 That's not good. 这样可不好 They say the longer someone's missing 大家说人失踪得越久 the less likely they'll ever come back. 回来的几率就越小 Where are your glasses? 你的眼镜呢 I don't wear them any
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第3集 第15期:尽职尽责 Hey, you girls looking for a sub-let still? 你们还在找要转租的房子吗 We weren't really honest with you the last time we were here. 上次我们来的时候 没说实话 No kidding. 可不是吗 You make a good watchdog, Arnie. 你看门很尽
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第3集 第16期:妈妈的秘密 My dad's not here. 我爸爸不在这里 You're the one that I wanted to see. 我要找的人是你 Are you leaving? 你要离开了吗 Funeral's over. 葬礼已经结束 Mother's gone, Dad doesn't need me. 妈妈走了 爸爸不需要我 If anybody
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第3集 第18期:想要快乐 A message like that... 这样的一封信件 is something that I would want to deliver personally. 我想我会亲自去送 So she got up from her computer, 所以她起身离开电脑 she walked out the front door 从前面走出去 and she went to
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