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  • 英语新闻听写 特朗普绝不会坐自动驾驶汽车! According to Business Insider, Donald Trump is not a fan of driverless cars. 据Business Insider报道,唐纳德特朗普并不喜欢无人驾驶汽车。 Four sources told Axios that they've heard Trump voice doubts about autonomous vehicles in co
  • 英语新闻听写 更多抗血压药物被召回 Those on blood pressure medication must take caution. 在服用抗血压药物的人一定要注意啦。 Recent reports have been emerging stating that certain blood pressure medications can cause cancer. 近期报道称某些抗血压药物会引发癌
  • 英语新闻听写 参议员布克称现在美国让许多国民失望 Reuters reports that presidential hopeful Cory Booker told a service commemorating the 1965 Bloody Sunday March, a turning point in the civil rights movement, that the United States is still failing many Americans, 据路透社报道,有望竞选成功
  • 英语新闻听写 两起空难相似 波音股价暴跌 According to Business Insider, Boeing shares lost another 3-percent after Ethiopian authorities said a recent plane crash had similarities to another crash five months ago. 据Business Insider报道,埃塞俄比亚当局称最近的飞机失事与五
  • 英语新闻听写 伯尼·桑德斯竞选集会声势浩大 Business Insider reports that senator Bernie Sanders held his first big 2020 campaign rally in his childhood home of Brooklyn New York on Saturday drawing in a massive youthful and diverse crowd. 据《商业内幕网》报道,周六,参议员伯尼
  • 英语新闻听写 苹果发布全新版的AirPods Apple recently released the brand new version of their AirPods and many are saying they look quite similar to the first version. 苹果最近发布了全新版的AirPods,许多人都说它看上去与第一版颇为相似。 Gizmodo reports there a
  • 英语新闻听写 热茶有致癌风险? CNN reports that people who drink piping hot tea could be increasing the risk of esophageal cancer, according to a new study. CNN消息称,一项新研究发现,喝滚烫茶水会增加食道癌风险。 Researchers found that tea drinkers who li
  • 英语新闻听写 前科罗拉多州州长将竞选美国总统 Reuters reports that former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper joined the growing field of Democratic presidential candidates on Monday, 据《路透社》报道,周一,科罗拉多州州长约翰希肯卢珀加入了日益壮大的民主党总统
  • 英语新闻听写 华为专利申请量全球第一 Huawei is leading the pack with respect to international patent applications. 华为在国际专利申请方面一马当先。 According to Reuters, the Chinese telecoms giant accounts for more than half of the applications to the World Intellectual
  • 英语新闻听写 川普施压 通用汽车宣布投资计划 On Friday General Motors will announce plans to invest $300 million in a suburban Detroit plant that builds electric and self-driving vehicles for Chevrolet and the automaker's self-driving Cruise unit. 周五,通用汽车将宣布向底特律郊区的
  • 英语新闻听写 如果朝鲜不放弃核计划会怎么样 According to Reuters.com, President Donald Trump's national security adviser said on Tuesday 据路透社报道,美国总统唐纳德特朗普的国家安全顾问周二表示, that the United States will look at ramping up sanctions on North Kor
  • 英语新闻听写 迪士尼收购福克斯 大批员工将被裁 Fox employees are fearing for their jobs after the company has been acquired by Disney. 福克斯被迪士尼收购之后,该公司的员工则在为他们的工作担心。 After Disney closed on its $71.3 billion acquisition of 21st Century Fox's
  • 英语新闻听写 跑步app不利健康 Business Insider recently wrote, If you have a fitness goal in mind, there are endless apps out there designed to help you achieve it. 《商业内幕》近期消息称,如果你有健身的目标,那么有很多应用可以帮助你实现目标。
  • 英语新闻听写 波音和苹果领跌华尔街股市 According to Reuters, the top markets on Wall Street lost about 1-percent to open the new week. 据路透社报道,华尔街的主要股市在新的一周里下跌了大约1%。 By the afternoon on May 6th, the Dow Jones was trading down by a quart
  • 英语新闻听写 迈克尔·科恩将开始服刑 Reuters reports Michael Cohen on Monday will begin serving a three-year prison sentence 据《路透社》报道,迈克尔科恩将于周一开始服刑三年。 for arranging hush payments to two women who said they had sexual encounters with the