美国小学英语教材6:第227课 村庄铁匠
THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH Henry W. Longfellow 村庄铁匠 亨利朗费罗 The village blacksmith was the iron worker in the days when there were no machines to stamp, cut, and hammer metal. 村庄铁匠是当时的钢铁工人,那时没有机器来进行
美国小学英语教材6:第228课 明星学徒(1)
TIM GROGAN, THE STAR APPRENTICE David O. Woodbury 蒂姆格罗根 明星学徒 大卫伍德伯里 We live in a world of machines; they even make our bread and our clothing. But we must never forget the skilled and faithful men 我们生活在机器的世
美国小学英语教材6:第229课 明星学徒(2)
Too much for him, was it? The foreman had had to eat his words. For around the boy's neck, in plain sight at that very moment, 这对他来说太沉重了,不是吗?工头要食言了,在小男孩的脖子上,此时此刻我们可以清楚地看
美国小学英语教材6:第230课 明星学徒(3)
But Tim was far away in India, listening to the roar of furnaces and watching the half-naked Hindus with their clumsy hands on his beloved Blower. 但蒂姆离印度很遥远,听着熔炉发出的呼啸声,看着半裸的印度教徒用笨拙的手
美国小学英语教材6:第231课 明星学徒(4)
For a moment the boy's mind went blank, and then he saw in a flash all the horror of the situation he was in. 那一刻男孩的脑子突然一片空白,转瞬间他看到了他面临的所有恐怖。 The acceptance tests were to begin at seven sh
美国小学英语教材6:第232课 明星学徒(5)
Somewhat encouraged, the boy began to look about. Two methods of escape were left: the large hole in the bottom of the Blower where the air was sucked in, 小男孩有点被鼓舞了,他开始四下观望,还有两种逃脱办法,吹风机底部的
美国小学英语教材6:第233课 明星学徒(6)
Somewhere inside the Blower he had left his wrench, perhaps caught among the fan blades themselves. 他将扳手留在了吹风机里的什么地方,或许卡在风扇里面了。 What would happen if they should start her up with that big tool ins
美国小学英语教材6:第234课 明星学徒(7)
The minutes went by, and the hours with them, it seemed. No wrench! Every nook and corner of the giant's insides Tim searched. 时间一分分流逝,小时也在流逝,没有扳手,蒂姆在机器内搜寻了每一个角落。 Nothing was there
美国小学英语教材6:第235课 明星学徒(8)
Crogan? Oh, he's our star apprentice. He just about built this machine, he did. He wouldn't miss the tests for all the money in the world. 克罗根?他是我们的明星学徒,他几乎建造了这个机器,真的如此,他不会为了金钱而
美国小学英语教材6:第236课 森林产品(1)
FOREST PRODUCTS: FROM WOODLAND TO FACTORY By Charles Lathrop Pack and Tom Gill 森林产品:从森林到工厂 查尔斯派克和汤姆吉尔著 Perhaps you think of lumber as being the main use that is made of trees. This article will tell you of
美国小学英语教材6:第237课 森林产品(2)
The first step in the manufacture of turpentine and rosin is collecting the gum from the trees. 松脂松节油和松香生产的第一步是从树上收集树胶。 The early, wasteful method was to cut a deep notch in the base of the tree, known as
美国小学英语教材6:第238课 森林产品(3)
The Indians taught us to make and enjoy maple sugar. In northern Minnesota one tribe still continues this industry, 印第安人教我们制作和享受枫糖,在米尼苏达州北部,一个部落依然在沿袭这一产业, selling pure maple
美国小学英语教材6:第239课 森林产品(4)
In making leather from raw hides, the tannin used is obtained from the wood and bark of hemlock and oak. 在通过生皮革制作皮革的过程中,使用的鞣酸是从木头,铁杉和橡树树皮中获得的, It is this tannin which makes lea
美国小学英语教材6:第240课 森林产品(5)
To us, in America, the term Christmas tree means a number of different trees. 对于美国而言,圣诞树这个词意味着许多不同的树。 The kind of Christmas tree you think of depends upon where you live, for we use firs, spruces, cedars,
美国小学英语教材6:第241课 前景回顾
A BACKWARD LOOK 前景回顾 Now that you have read these stories, perhaps you understand a little better why we speak of the workers of the world as the true conquerors of the earth. 你已经读了这些故事,或许你现在应该了解了一些我