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  • 美国小学英语教材6:第167课 救生员马里恩·安德鲁斯(5) Quick as a flash Marion sprang from the float. A dozen powerful strokes brought her to the spot where she had seen Margaret go down. 马里恩立即从花车上鱼跃一跳,十几下有力的划水让她游到了能够看见玛格丽特下落的地方
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第168课 救生员马里恩·安德鲁斯(6) Keep the people back! Big Bob warned as he stretched Margaret out on the sand. Give her a chance. 让其他人往后退,大鲍勃一边警告着一边将玛格丽特伸展在沙滩上,给她一次机会。 Members of the Seals' Club and other swi
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第169课 获胜的意志(1) THE WILL TO WIN Russell Gordon Carter 获胜的意志 鲁索尔戈登卡特 Do you know what it means to be beaten by your own self? It is this: You get the idea that you can't win, 你知道被你自己打败意味着什么?意味着你不会赢,
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第170课 获胜的意志(2) It was only the end of the first half, yet everybody seemed to think his team was hopelessly beaten, 这只是第一半场的结束,但所有人似乎都认为他的团队肯定会输, not only the Middleton supporters, but even the little band o
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第171课 获胜的意志(3) Sure, that's right, agreed O'Connor, frowning. We've got to go into the second half and fight! 奥康娜眉头紧锁,说到没错,我们要进入第二半场比赛了,我们要战斗! We've got to do more than that! retorted Rodney, thumping
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第172课 获胜的意志(4) You're right they won't! Rodney interrupted him fiercely. They won't beat us at all! What are fifteen points? Nothing! 你说得对,他们不会,罗德尼强烈地打断了他,他们根本就不会打败我们!15分算什么?什么都不是!
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第173课 获胜的意志(5) Huh! remarked a Middleton rooter. Looks as if old Georgeburgh meant to hold the score down this half. 一名米德顿的球迷说啊,看起来老乔治布格打算在这个半局压制住比分。 A boy beside him grinned. Sure, he added, they're s
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第174课 获胜的意志(6) A second roar of approval rose from the side lines, a louder roar than the first one. It set Rodney's blood to tingling. 场边爆发了第二次雷鸣般的肯定,比第一次还要激烈,这让罗德尼的血液在震颤。 Again he gave O'Conn
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第175课 获胜的意志(7) McLaren then scored two points for Middleton; but in the next few minutes Rodney and O'Connor each shot a basket, 迈凯伦之后为米德顿打进两球,但在几分钟之内,罗德尼和奥康娜各自进一球, and Stearns followed with a go
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第176课 获胜的意志(8) The center whirled and saw Rodney, with Gregg and Martinelli on either side of him, racing across the court parallel with the backstop. 中锋转身一看,他看到罗德尼和罗德尼两边的格雷格和马蒂内利,他飞奔着穿过和挡板平
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第177课 获胜的意志(9) He struggled free from them at last; then they turned their enthusiasm loose upon O'Connor and Stearns and the two guards. 罗德尼最终挣脱了他们的包围,支持者将他们的热情放在了奥康娜,斯特恩斯以及两名后卫身上。
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第178课 一个国家 OUR COUNTRYAMERICA Margaret E. Sangster 一个国家美国,玛格丽特E桑斯特 By the sweep of rejoicing rivers 喜悦的河流呼啸而过, That rush to the mighty sea, 冲进了力大无穷的大海中, By the waves on our coasts that thun
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第179课 往期回顾 A BACKWARD LOOK 往期回顾 The stories you have just read are samples. In your town or school library and in magazines written especially for young American citizens, 你刚刚读到的这些故事是样本,在你的城镇或学校图书馆,或是
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第180课 其它陆地上的男孩和女孩 Part Five Boys and Girls of Other Lands 第五部分,其他陆地上的男孩和女孩 The sea that comes to meet my hand Annette Wynne 触手可及的海,安妮特怀恩 The sea that comes to meet my hand 触手可及的海 Is rolling on some fo
  • 美国小学英语教材6:第181课 四海皆邻居 ALL NATIONS ARE NEIGHBORS 四海皆邻居 Our neighbors are those who live near us. 邻居就是住在我们附近的那些人。 Generally we know them best; often they are our closest friends. 一般来讲,我们最了解他们,他们通常也是