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  • 乔布斯传 第374期:在幕后彷徨(10) Woolard remembers Jobs being somewhat circumspect, saying that Amelio was not in the right job. 伍拉德记得乔布斯当时比较谨慎,只是说阿梅里奧不适合现在的工作。 Jobs recalled being more blunt: I thought to myself, I eithe
  • 乔布斯传 第375期:在幕后彷徨(11) Brent Schlender, Fortune's well-sourced technology reporter, knew Jobs and was familiar with his thinking, 《财富》杂志消息灵通的科技记者布伦特施伦德认识乔布斯并且熟悉他的想法, and in March he came out with a story
  • 乔布斯传 第376期:在幕后彷徨(12) The day the story came out, Apple stock shot up 11% in heavy trading. 这条消息公布当天,苹果的股票价格就飙升了11%,交易量巨大。 To add to the frivolity, Ellison set up an email address, savapple @us.oracle.com, 更搞笑的是
  • 乔布斯传 第377期:在幕后彷徨(13) By then the press had turned against Amelio. 另外,媒体也不再支持阿梅里奥。 Business Week ran a cover asking Is Apple Mincemeat?; 《商业周刊》的封面标题以问句开场:苹果一盘散沙? Red Herring ran an editorial hea
  • 乔布斯传 第378期:在幕后彷徨(14) Jobs could seduce and charm people at will, and he liked to do so. 乔布斯可以随心所欲地引诱和迷惑别人,而且他喜欢这样做。 People such as Amelio and Sculley allowed themselves to believe that because Jobs was charming them, 像
  • 乔布斯传第379期:在幕后彷徨(15) The day the story came out, Apple stock shot up 11% in heavy trading. 这条消息公布当天,苹果的股票价格就飙升了11%,交易量巨大。 To add to the frivolity, Ellison set up an email address, savapple @us.oracle.com, 更搞笑的是
  • 乔布斯传 第380期:阿梅里奥出局(1) Exit, Pursued by a Bear 阿梅里奥出局 Jobs had refused to quash Larry Ellison's takeover talk, and he had secretly sold his shares and been misleading about it. 乔布斯拒绝澄清拉里埃利森的收购说法,又秘密地卖掉了他的股票
  • 乔布斯传 第381期:阿梅里奥出局(2) At an executive session of the board in June, with Amelio out of the room, 在6月的一次董事会上,阿梅里奥不在场时, Woolard described to current directors how he calculated their odds. 伍拉德对当时的董事讲述了他对形势的
  • 乔布斯传 第382期:阿梅里奥出局(3) First, he called Jobs. The board was going to fire Amelio, he said, and it wanted Jobs to come back as CEO. 他首先给乔布斯打了电话,告诉他董事会将解雇阿梅里奥,并希望乔布斯回来担任CEO。 Jobs had been aggressive in
  • 乔布斯传 第383期:阿梅里奥出局(4) Why did Jobs not seize the reins? 为什么乔布斯不抓住这个机会? Why was he reluctant to grab the job that for two decades he had seemed to desire? 为什么他会不想接受这个20年来他看似很渴望的工作? When I asked him,
  • 乔布斯传 第384期:阿梅里奥出局(5) The claim that he was enjoying spending more time with his family was not convincing. 更多地享受跟家人在一起的时光这一声明是不让人信服的。 He was never destined to win a Father of the Year trophy, even when he had spare time
  • 乔布斯传 第385期:阿梅里奥出局(6) This attitude arose partly out of his tendency to see the world in binary terms. 这种处事态度的部分源起,是他倾向于认为所有事都是非黑即白的。 A person was either a hero or a bozo, a product was either amazing or shit. 一个
  • 乔布斯传 第386期:阿梅里奥出局(7) At times Jobs displayed a strange mixture of prickliness and neediness. 乔布斯时常会有一种奇怪的表现,一会儿浑身是刺,一会儿又渴望交流。 He usually didn't care one iota what people thought of him; he could cut people o
  • 乔布斯传 第387期:阿梅里奥出局(8) Steve Wozniak, who was himself now an informal advisor to the company, 史蒂夫沃兹尼亚克当时是公司的非正式顾问, was thrilled that Jobs was coming back. (He forgave easily.) 知道乔布斯要回来他很兴奋。(他是一个轻易
  • 乔布斯传 第388期:阿梅里奥出局(9) Woolard was able to coax Jobs to agree that his role as an advisor would be a very active one. 伍拉德成功地说服乔布斯同意,他担任的这个顾问将是个很活跃的角色。 Jobs approved a statement saying that he had agreed to ste