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  • 2019年双语新闻 利物浦问鼎欧冠之巅

    Against all the odds 利物浦问鼎欧冠之巅 Back in March, when four English clubs Manchester City, Manchester United, Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur made it into the quarter-finals of this year's UEFA Champions League, The Guardian chose to ho...

  • 2019年双语新闻 全世界都在学中国话!

    Chinese language study takes off 全世界都在学中国话! When Faith Wanjiku graduated from the Technical University of Kenya last year, she immediately enrolled at the Confucius Institute in Kenyatta University. She wanted to learn Chinese, as...

  • 2019年双语新闻 陈坤:九年“行走”,步履不停

    Walking away from your problems 陈坤:九年行走,步履不停 Science has identified 154 different emotional states in humans. 科学界已确认人类有154种不同的情绪。 Sadness, stress, and anger are just three of them, and they are...

  • 2019年双语新闻 “珊莎”变身“黑凤凰”

    Turner's new game 珊莎变身黑凤凰 At 23, Sophie Turner is best known for her role as Sansa Stark, who, after long suffering, becomes the powerful Queen of the North in the popular TV series Game of Thrones. The fantasy show came to an end last...

  • 2019年双语新闻 小李子+皮特=今年好莱坞第一大片?

    Hollywood in crisis 小李子+皮特=今年好莱坞第一大片? By normal standards, a six-minute standing ovation for anything a film, a concert, a speech is really long. But by US director Quentin Tarantino's standards, it's not very long at al...

  • 2019年双语新闻 “铁娘子”梅姨如何被脱欧逼至绝境?

    UKs PM May resigns from office 铁娘子梅姨如何被脱欧逼至绝境? Standing in front of 10 Downing Street, UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who was often regarded as reserved and businesslike, became tearful when she announced her resignation...

  • 2019年双语新闻 巩俐戛纳电影节惊艳全场

    Celebrating Gong Li 巩俐戛纳电影节惊艳全场 With a career spanning four decades, Gong Li is one of China's most famous actresses 从影四十年来,巩俐是中国最著名的女演员之一, and a darling of the international film indu...

  • 2019年双语新闻 贝聿铭的百年建筑人生

    Architect's work will live on 贝聿铭的百年建筑人生 Most architects hope to add to the character of a city, but Ieoh Ming Pei, one of the world's best-known architects, 大多数建筑师都希望为一座城市的特性锦上添花,但全球...

  • 2019年双语新闻 哥斯拉:怪兽界的超级英雄

    More than a monster 哥斯拉:怪兽界的超级英雄 Kaiju is a Japanese word. In English, it's sometimes translated as monster. The two do bear a certain resemblance if you think about it: The latter often reminds us of the bloodthirsty killing...

  • 2019年双语新闻 北京地铁新规乘客不得在列车车厢内进食

    Food and drink banned on subway 地铁里不准吃东西了? Traveling by subway can sometimes be quite an adventure, especially during rush hour. 有时候,搭乘地铁也堪比一场冒险,尤其是在早晚高峰时刻。 There are the times w...

  • 2019年双语新闻 “小仙女”范宁:从童星到戛纳评委

    Earning her honor 小仙女范宁:从童星到戛纳评委 As the old saying goes, Don't judge a book by its cover. And neither should we judge movie stars by their ages. 常言道:不要以貌取人。而我们也不应该以年龄来评判影星。...

  • 2019年双语新闻 90后中国设计师圆梦纽约

    Renewing an old tradition 90后中国设计师圆梦纽约 For ages, embroidery has been known as a woman's job. However, like any good fashion designer, Zhang Yan dares to be different. 刺绣多年来都被视为女性从事的工作。而正如其他...

  • 2019年双语新闻 何猷君高调求婚奚梦瑶

    A real romance 何猷君高调求婚奚梦瑶 It's quite rare to see a reality TV romance turn into a real-life relationship or even a marriage. 一段电视真人秀中的恋情能够成为现实,甚至步入婚姻的殿堂,这种情况相当少见...

  • 2019年双语新闻 “Z世代”的青少年都在关注什么?

    Visionary generation Z世代的青少年都在关注什么? Being young is associated with all the good things in life beauty, hope, and energy. 青春总是与人生中所有的美好联系在一起 美丽、希望以及活力。 But youth also ha...

  • 2019年双语新闻 人民海军70周年海上大阅兵见证强大海军

    Defending us 人民海军70周年海上大阅兵见证强大海军 Destroyers sailed the sea, submarines slid under the surface and fighter jets flew across the sky. It wasn't a scene from a war movie, indeed, it was a grand naval parade. 驱逐舰出海...
