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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第1期:嘴巴闭紧 Why would Tanner do this in here? 为什么坦纳要在这里询问她 To make a point. We're next. 为了树立威严 之后就是我们了 Maybe the cops saw Ali sneaking out of her house last night, too. 可能警察昨晚也看到艾莉溜出她家
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第4期:高明的骗子 Sydney. 希妮 Hey, were you watching practice? 你刚看我们训练了吗 No, I got hung up in Language Lab. 没有 我在语音室耽搁了一会 Damn. I beat my freestyle record, thanks to you. 我打破了自己的自由泳记录 多亏了你 Ac
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第6期:被恶魔刺穿的画 If Bethany was the one who pushed your mom off the roof 如果是宝芬妮把你妈妈从楼上推下去的 and Mrs. DiLaurentis covered for it, 而迪劳伦提斯夫人掩盖了真相 then I don't understand why she would 我不理解她为什么会
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第7期:厌倦爱人 Why would you do that without telling me? 你为何要瞒着我那么做 Probably because I anticipated this warm 可能是因为我预料到了像现在这样热情 and encouraging response. 又令人鼓舞的反应 Toby, you can't just become a pol
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第9期:坚强才能活下来 That was so upsetting. 真令人难受 That girl has no support system at all. 没有一个人帮过她 You know I used to think Ali was too tough for her own good. 我以前一直觉得艾莉太过坚强了 But, thank God. 但还好 感谢上帝 Tha
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第10期:尸体埋在后院 Was she a friend of yours? 她是你的朋友吗 Bethany? 宝芬妮 No, I-- I never met her. 不 我不认识她 But her body was buried in my friend's backyard. 但她的尸体被埋在我朋友家的后院里 So I think everyone's just a little cur
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第12期:冰冻酸奶 Sydney? 希妮 What's going on? 什么事 Your mom said I could interrupt. 你妈妈说我可以直接上来 This was delivered to my house and... 这个寄到了我家然后 well, I'm not really sure what to do with it now. 现在我不知道该拿它
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第14期:根汁汽水 I'll never get back in that room. 我再也不能进那间病房了 Did they fire you? 他们把你炒了吗 No, I didn't kill her. 不 我又没杀她 I just gave her a frigging root beer. 我只是给了她一罐该死的根汁汽水 How was I supp
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第15期:袭击艾利 Can you call them in like a half an hour? 能半小时后再打电话叫车吗 I have to go. 我得走了 Is everything okay? 没事吧 Yeah, I'm just drunk and I'm tired. 没事 我只是又醉又累 And I want to go to sleep. 想睡觉而已 Sure.