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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第16期:太过友善 Where have you been? 你去哪了 I fell asleep in Caleb's car. 我在凯勒的车里睡着了 Where is everybody? 人都去哪了 Did class start yet? 课还没开始上吗 No, it's over. 不 都下课了 What's in your hair? 你头发里有什么 I
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第19期:水桶意外 Declan? 戴克兰 Sorry, we're still here. Just curious. 不好意思 还是我们 只是问一下 Do you ever let people adopt your horses? 你让别人领养过你的马吗 We've done it a few times. 有过几次 Special cases. 都是特殊情况 T
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第21期:乱说秘密 Do you need a towel? 你需要毛巾吗 No, I'm fine. 不用 我没事 Look, I know that me and you 我知道我们 aren't on the best terms right now, 现在关系不太好 but I had to come over and I don't know 但我必须过来 我不知道 how
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第7集 第22期:受惊的样子 Did you find something? 找到什么了吗 Why was this hanging here? 这个为什么挂在这里 What do you mean? 什么意思 What's it doing? 马怎么了 This is my sister's. 这是我姐姐的 Look at the initials. 你看上面的姓名缩写 M
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第8集 第2期:与学生约会 I'm sorry, what does any of this have to do 抱歉 这和昨晚玛琳家的事故 with the incident at the Marin house last night? 有什么关系吗 We have several open cases right now. 我们现在手上好几个案子在查 And it's helpful to ex
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第8集 第4期:一个人喝酒 Hanna cannot be stumbling around the halls of school 汉娜不能这样 醉醺醺地走在学校走廊 looking like she's on a bender in Cancun. 一副在坎昆寻欢作乐的样子 Hey, what's wrong with Cancun? 坎昆怎么了 Don't knock it until
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第8集 第7期:黑暗中更美好 So you think somebody help Jenna mess with her chronic? 你认为有人在帮詹娜干预她的慢性病吗 Hey, Em, I've got to go. 艾米 我要挂了 But we can talk about this at the party. 我们可以在派对上接着聊 Well, not at the party