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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第8期:日子不好过 I should never have come back here. 我不该回来的 Look, I get that you're scared, Ali. 我知道你很害怕 艾莉 We all do. 我们都害怕 That's why you're staying with me. 所以才让你和我待在一起 You can't just babysit me forever
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第9期:三角恋情 Ali? 艾莉 I don't know. 我不知道 Just get there, okay? 去就好 行吗 Yeah, okay. 好的 Yeah. See you then. 好的 再见 Who are you on the phone with? 你在和谁打电话 Doesn't matter. 不重要 Well, it sounded like you are making pla
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第10期:调查案子 Moving out? 正在搬家吗 Oh, no. Just getting rid of some old school files. 不是 只是在扔掉一些学校的旧文件 So what can I help you with, Lieutenant? 我能帮你些什么 陆军中尉 Just some questions about Shana Fring. 只是来问
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第11期:良心 You need to give me those names, Paige. 佩奇 告诉我他们的名字 The ones conspiring with Mona. 那些和梦娜合谋的人 I can't tell you, 我不能告诉你 Especially after the way Alison treated her. 特别是在艾莉森打了她之后
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第12期:搜查令 Okay, we need to get these boxes out of here right now. 我们现在就得把这些箱子搬走 Okay, let's just slow down a second here. 好 我们慢慢来 Tanner's probably on her way back here with a search warrant. 坦纳很可能正带着搜查令
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第13期:改变不了 No. She's not. 不 她没有 She was going to but I stopped her. 她想走但我阻止了她 I don't believe you. 我不信你 Emily, wait. 艾米丽 等等 Okay, fine. You're right. 好吧 你说对了 How could you let her go without telling us? 你怎
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第14期:真相 You see anything yet? 有发现了吗 Just you, arriving at my door. 刚看见你到了我门外 I can't believe you still have a camera in your hallway. 我不敢相信你在走廊安装了摄像头 Makes sense with all the research material here. 跟
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第15期:取材 Yeah, it's Eddie Lamb. 是爱迪兰博 He works at Radley and he's one of the people 他在拉德里工作 我在给书取材时 I interviewed for the book. 曾经采访过他 Eddie Lamb? 爱迪兰博吗 That's who Spencer talked to today. 斯宾塞今
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第16期:尖矛 Eddie Lamb gave this to Ezra. 爱迪兰博把这个给了以斯拉 Eddie? Wait, from Radley? 爱迪 拉德里那个吗 Yeah. 对 What's it supposed to be? 这是什么 It's a drawing of my mother. 是我妈妈的画像 We think that Bethany drew that
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第17期:搬走 Hey, I got you banana nut. 我给你点了香蕉坚果面包 Thank you. 谢谢 Is Toby coming? 托比会来吗 No. 不会 He wanted me to stop along over at the house 他想让我顺便去趟房子那边 to see if anything survived the fire. 看看有什
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第5集 第18期:悲剧 What's she doing here? 她来干什么 I don't know. 不知道 Good morning, girls. 早啊 姑娘们 Is your dad home? 你爸爸在家吗 You just missed him. 你刚错过了 He left for work a minute ago. 他刚去上班了 Is there anything I can h
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第1期:生气 A rat? 老鼠 Yesterday, after practice. 昨天训练结束之后 I heard her screaming. 我听到她在尖叫 Somebody put a dead rat in her cap. 有人在她柜子里放了一只死老鼠 You didn't hear about this? 你没听说吗 No. 没有 She w
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第2期:怪物书 Caleb? 凯勒 What are you doing here? 你来这干嘛 Exit exams. 退学考试 Well, how's reading about monsters gonna help you? 看怪物书对考试能有帮助吗 Shouldn't you be studying? 你不是该学习吗 I'll wing it. 我会临场发挥的
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第3期:不是输就是赢 It's good to see you again, 很高兴再次见到你 now that the smoke has cleared. 现在烟雾散去 Yeah, my ears are still ringing. 是的 我的耳朵还在嗡嗡作响 Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one 很高兴我不是唯一一个 that has
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第4期:不是管家的料 Hey, when did you get back? 你什么时候回来的 Last night. 昨晚 Where's Dad? 爸爸呢 My apartment. 在我公寓 I thought I'd give him some space 我想给他点空间 and come here and maybe talk some sense into mom. 我就来这劝劝妈妈