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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第5期:愚蠢的考试 Where have you been? 你去哪儿了 I got your S.O.S. when I was at the store. 收到你的求救信号时我在商店里 What's going on? What's wrong? 出什么事了 怎么了 What did you say to Alison? 你跟艾莉森说什么了 What? 怎么了
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第8期:谜题 All those words, and it wasn't even the book I wanted to write. 所有的文字 那本书甚至不是我想写的 What did you want to write about? 你想写些什么呢 My family. 我的家庭 My brother and me. 我哥哥和我 What happened when my
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第9期:放鸽子 I got your text. 我收到了你的短信 Cramps? Really? 腿抽筋 真的吗 Sneak up much? 鬼鬼祟祟的干吗 Aria's stuck at Radley, Spencer bailed on me. 艾瑞亚困在拉德里 斯宾塞放了我鸽子 I mean, it can't just be Ali, my mom an
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第10期:制造麻烦 Mrs. Horowitz means well. 霍罗威茨老师是好意 I really shouldn't laugh. 我不应该笑的 Oh, no. Seriously, please laugh. 不会 您尽情笑吧 I need as much laughter as I can get. 我现在很需要听到笑声 Hey, Hanna. 汉娜你来了
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第11期:厄运折扣 Is this Ezra Fitz? 是以斯拉费兹吗 So they gave us a deal on the replacement windows. 他们便宜卖给了我们替换窗户 It's the second set of widows we bought this year. 这是我们今年第二次换窗子 Al Simon said it was a bad luc
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第13期:脆弱的病人 Wait, that looks like a Chagall, 等等 这种女人飞翔的形象 the woman flying like that. 很像夏加尔的画风 She's not flying. 她不是在飞 She's falling. 她是在下坠 Look, look at the vines. 看这里画的藤蔓 Look at the bars
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第14期:打得火热 Hanna, right? 你是汉娜吧 It's Sydney. 我是希妮 Emily's friend from swim team? 艾米丽游泳队的朋友 Having a hot date with my homework. 我正跟作业打得火热呢 You on your way out or... 你这是离开还是... No, I just had di
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第16期:争斗的棋子 You were so right. 你说得太对了 Melted cheese is the best booze-blocker. 融化的奶酪对醒酒最有帮助 You can say that again. 说得好 No. 不 I need a napkin. 我需要张餐巾纸 I think there's one under here. 我想这下面有一张
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第17期:美好时光 I mean, there was always a possibility 我们曾经有机会 that we could with Shana-- Jenna. 跟莎娜...詹娜和解 But after everything that happened in New York, 但发生了纽约的事后 it was just too late. 就为时已晚了 Sounds juicy.
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第18期:犹豫的情侣 Look, Hanna, I probably shouldn't be giving advice about friends. 汉娜 可能轮不到我给你关于朋友的建议 You handle Alison however-- 可是你在艾莉森的事上... I don't want to talk about Alison. 我不想谈艾莉森 I want to ta
  • 《美少女的谎言》第5季第6集 第19期:赶走朋友 I'm walking out my door right now, Spencer. 我马上出门 斯宾塞 No, I haven't talked to Hanna. 没有 我还没跟汉娜联系 Yeah. Okay, I'm on my way. Bye. 好 我马上走 拜拜 Ezra? 以斯拉 You saw Eddie as you were leaving, right? 你走