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时间:2017-02-09 05:10来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
Rapunzel: Hi, welcome home, mother!
Gothel:Oh~Rapunzel, how you manage to do that every single day without fail, it looks absolutely exhausting1, darling.
Rapunzel: Oh~it's nothing.
Gothel: Then I don't know why it takes so long.<Hohoho~>Oh, darling, it's just teasting.
Rapunzel: <Hehehe~>All right, so mother. As you know tomorrow is a bery big day.
Gothel: Rapunzel, look in that mirror. You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. Oh, look! You're here too.<hahaha~>I'm just teasing2! Stop taking every so seriously.
Rapunzel: Okay~so mother. As I was saying tomorrow...
Gothel: Rapunzel~mother's feeling a little run down. Would you sing for me, dear? Then we'll talk.
Rapunzel: Oh! Of course, mother!
G: Rapunzel !
R: So mother, earlier I was saying that tomorrow was a very big day! And you didn't really respond3. So I'm just going to tell you. It's my birthday! Tada!
G: No no no, can't be. I distinctly4 remember, your birthday was last year.
R: That's the funny thing about birthdays. They're kind of an unusual thing. Mother, I'm turning 18. And I wanted to ask, what I really want for this birthday. Actually what I really want for...
G: Rapunzel, please, stop with the mumbling5. You know how I feel about the mumbling. Blablablabla...it's very annoying! I'm just teasing, you're adorable I love you so much, darling.
R: Ah~I want to see the floating lights.
G: He~what??
R: Well~I was hoping you would take me to see the floating light.
G: You mean the stars.
R: That's the thing. I'v charted the star and they're always constant6. But these, they appear every year on my birthday, mother. Only on my birthday. And I can't help but feel that they're. They're meant for me. I need see them, mother. And not just from my window. In person, I have to know hat they are.
Flynn: Ah!! Is this hair??
R: Struggling...struggling is pointless. I know why you're here, and I'm not afraid of you.
Flynn: What??
R: Who are you, and how did you find me?
Flynn: Ah~ha
R: Who are you, and how did you find me?
Flynn: <Clear throat>I know not who you are. Nor how I came to find you. But may I just say~hi. How you doing? The name's Flynn Ryder. How's your day going, huh?
R: Who else knows my locaton, Flynn Ryder?
Flynn: All right, blondie.
R: Rapunzel!
Flynn: Gesundheit, here's the deal. I was in a situation, grallivanting through the forest. I came across your tower and...Ho ho no, where's my satchel7??
R: I'v hidden it, somewhere you'll never find it. It's in that pot, isn't it?


1 exhausting 6tUz4N     
  • an exhausting day at work 工作得筋疲力尽的一天
  • This exhausting work is enough to run everyone down. 这项费力的工作足以使人精疲力竭。
2 teasing b0a55d9bbec76684d03d555d84e3ad65     
adj.戏弄的,逗趣的v.取笑,戏弄( tease的现在分词 );梳理(羊毛等)
  • Don't get upset—I was only teasing. 别不高兴,我只是在逗你玩。
  • I didn't think you meant that seriously;I thought you were teasing. 我未想到你是当真的,我原以为你是开玩笑的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 respond 3WYx9     
  • I offered him a drink but he did not respond.我请他喝酒,但他未作回答。
  • I greeted him but he didn't respond.我跟他打招呼,他没答理我。
4 distinctly nsfxq     
  • We were distinctly underwhelmed by the director's speech. 主任的讲话显然令我们感觉索然无味。
  • He was beginning to feel distinctly uneasy about their visit. 他对他们的造访明显地感到不安起来。
5 mumbling 13967dedfacea8f03be56b40a8995491     
含糊地说某事,叽咕,咕哝( mumble的现在分词 )
  • I could hear him mumbling to himself. 我听到他在喃喃自语。
  • He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg. 宴会结束时,他仍在咕哝着医院里的事。说着说着,他在一块冰上滑倒,跌断了左腿。
6 constant PZyyy     
  • This suit has been in constant wear for two years.这一套衣服已连续穿了两年。
  • An absolute constant is fixed and can not be changed.绝对常数是固定而不可以改变的。
7 satchel dYVxO     
  • The school boy opened the door and flung his satchel in.那个男学生打开门,把他的书包甩了进去。
  • She opened her satchel and took out her father's gloves.打开书箱,取出了她父亲的手套来。
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