经济学人:库尔德人绝食抗议 民众濒临生死边缘
Turkey and the Kurds 土耳其和库尔德人 Hunger and thirst 饥饿和干渴 A hunger strike causes new tension between Turkey and its Kurds 绝食抗议引发土耳其和库尔德人间新的紧张局势 What happens if they start dying? The ques
经济学人:最低温饱线出炉 看英国人如何定义贫穷
Britain Measuring poverty 英国 衡量贫困 The end of the line 贫困终止 The government sets out to redefine what it means to be poor 政府着手重新定义贫穷 When Seebohm Rowntree, a chocolate-maker and pioneering social researcher, bega
经济学人:拉加德名单问世 瑞士不再是贪官的金融避风港
Greek taxation 希腊税收 Doubts over competence 全面质疑 Not a single prominent tax evader has yet been convicted 至今为止,希腊还未对任何有明显偷税嫌疑者进行惩罚 GreeceS elite used to see stashing funds in Swiss bank a
经济学人:信贷紧缩侵蚀欧洲 银行业查漏补缺更待何时?
Non-bank finance in Europe 欧洲非银行金融机构 Embracing the alternatives 采用新方法 Banks are changing. That means other providers of capital must step forward, especially in Europe 银行有变,资本家须出手,尤其是向欧洲
经济学人:爱尔兰赤字高居欧盟前列 政府6次收缩预算
Europe Irelands budget 欧洲 爱尔兰的财政预算 Light at the end of the tunnel 一线希望 Irelands sixth austerity budget 爱尔兰的第六次收缩预算 Since mid-2008, successive governments have taken 25 billion euro ($33 billion) out o
经济学人:奥朗德推行高昂富人税 富人会因此"出逃"?
Europe French taxation 欧洲 法国税收 A bas les riches! 对富人的严厉打击 Francois Hollande remains intent on introducing a punishing top income-tax 弗朗索瓦奥朗德继续致力推行严厉的富人税 As Socialist candidate for the
经济学人:经济政策与承诺背道而驰 奥朗德能够俘获民心?
French economic policy 法国经济政策 Which way for Mr Hollande? 奥朗德何去何从? Elected on the left,Frances president seems to be veering towards the centre 左翼当选,而今法国总统似向中间摇摆 THE longer Francois Holland
经济学人:英国公共财政 "昙花一现"后的悲凉
Britain The public finances 英国 公共财政 Off target 偏离目标 Despite a good month, George Osborne is far from balancing the budget 纵然一月好光景,平衡收支路漫漫 January is always a bumper month for the public purse. Governm
经济学人:屋漏偏逢连天雨 英镑贬值又遇信誉评级下降
Britain Sterling 英国 英镑 Weaker still and weaker 屋漏偏逢连天雨 The downgrade of British sovereign debt by Moodys did not spook the markets. But investors were already worried 穆迪公司下调了英国主权债务评级,没有引起市
Europe Frances economy 欧洲 法国经济 Austerity stakes 紧缩困境 A reluctant government faces the imperative of public-spending cuts 法国削减公共支出势在必行,政府陷入两难境界 Franses finance minister, Pierre Moscovici, s
Finance and economics: Property taxes: Home bias 财经:房产税:本土偏好 A taxing problem for foreign buyers. 外籍买家的房产税难题。 Even in hot markets like Vancouver, property sales normally slow in the summer. 即使温哥华的
Business: Hospitality Stay with me 商业:酒店业,别离开我 As online rivals whizz ahead, hotels try to be both big and nimble. 眼看网络竞争对手飕飕前进,各酒店力求变得大而灵活。 HOTEL companies check out well just n
经济学人:旅行签证 一种奇怪的欢迎方式
Business: Travel visas A strange sort of welcome 商业:旅行签证,奇怪的欢迎方式 Governments are deterring business travellers and tourists with cumbersome visa requirements that do little to make their countries more secure. 多国政府
经济学人:全球金融 下一个雷曼兄弟在哪儿?
Global finance 全球金融 Where's the next Lehman? 下一个雷曼兄弟在哪儿? Five years after the maelstrom of September 2008, global finance is safer. But still not safe enough 五年前国际金融历经了2008年9月金融危机的冲击,
经济学人:全球面临债务危机 中国为何能全身而退?
You can find bubbliness in bits of American finance, including the corporate-bond market, and some nasty off-balance-sheet liabilities like student loans and public-sector pensions, but America does not look like a source of imminent trouble. 你可以