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  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第283期:不愿意帮忙 Don't be angry at her for telling me. 别气她告诉我这事儿 I'm not angry at her. Although I should be. 我没生她的气 虽然确实恼人 How are you with all of this? 你能应付得来吗 Okay. Mm, not okay, just...okay. 还行 不是很顺
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第289期:艾莉森的死亡日记 What is that? 这是什么 You were writing in it all during service. 你在礼拜的时候一直写 It's my diary. 我的日记 Since when do you keep a diary? 你从什么时候开始写日记啊 Since forever. 早就开始了 Let me see.Okay. 让我
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第290期:自尊让人难堪 I didn't send her to ask for any favors. 我没有让她帮我找关系 No, I know that. 我知道 I-I didn't swear her to secrecy about what's going on, 我没让她发誓说什么都不讲 but I never told her to ask for help. 但我从没让她来帮
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第292期:没打电话不代表不想你 This is a compmpletely informal conversation. 这是一个非正式谈话 I want to make sure that we avoid any... 我希望我们之间 misunderstandings or miscommunications. 不要有任何误解 Okay... 好的 Ezra Fitz has applied to the school
  • 《美少女的谎言》第3季第293期:喜欢看见你 Well, they call it training, 他们叫培训 but it's more of an assessment. 但是它更像是一项评估 To see if you can do the job. 看看你能否胜任 I'm sorry to cancel so late, but... 非常抱歉这么晚才跟你说 但是 the bank only
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