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  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第4期:威尔登死亡的目击者 Yeah, whatever you need. 对 想要什么都行 All right, I'll be there. 好 我会过去的 See you tonight. 今晚见 Was that Caleb? Is he back? 是凯勒打来的吗 他回来了 No. It was Mona. 不 是梦娜 What exactly is it that she needs? 她
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第5期:是艾莉森把我们救出来的 You doing okay, Hanna? 你还好吗 汉娜 I'm sorry I had to leave so early this morning. 抱歉我今天一大早就得出门 We really didn't get a chance to talk. 我们都没机会谈谈 Who's that for? 这花是给谁的 Jessica Dilaurentis. 杰西
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第6期:神出鬼没的艾莉 Spencer?Spence?What? 斯宾塞 斯宾塞 怎么了 We shouldn't be in here. 我们不该进来 Well, we are. So, we might as well look. 既然进来了 就找看看呗 And what are we looking for? 我们要找什么 Red coat. 红外套 I don't think
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第7期:大家对艾莉的死避而不谈 Emily? It feels like home when you see a friendly face. 艾米丽 看见熟悉的面孔就有了家的感觉 Uh, this is for you. It's from my mom. 这是我妈妈给你的 Tell her I said thank you 替我道谢 and I look forward to having her over
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第8期:还没准备好恋爱 You know, I could pretend like I didn't see you, 我可以假装没看见你 but I don't want to lie. 但我不想骗自己 This is new territory for us. What--what do I do? 咱们没经历过这一步 我要怎么做 Do I say hi to you? Do I avoid y
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第9期:托比对斯宾塞的爱 He was shot multiple times. 他遭多次枪击 And the place that he was killed was a different location 案发现场同尸体发现地 than where the body was found. 不在一处 Says that time of death... thank you... 上面说死亡时间 谢谢 w
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第10期:艾瑞亚仍钟情以斯拉 Paige doesn't know about Wilden yet. 佩奇还不知道威尔登的事 Not sure how much to tell her.Aria? 不知道该告诉她多少 艾瑞亚 Do you believe in that four seasons of grief theory? 你相信悲伤四季理论吗 That you have to live
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第11期:购物好搭档 Do you have a minute?Yeah, sure. 有时间吗 有的 You look tired. 你看起来很累 Well, I only slept for like twelve minutes last night. 我昨晚只睡了几分钟 Every time I closed my eyes I saw Wilden. 一闭眼我就看到威尔登 And th
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第12期:逃离玫瑰镇 But it's just so far away. 但是好远啊 That's what I love about it. 我喜欢的正是这一点 It's got one of the best swim programs in the country. 那儿有全国最好的游泳课程之一 I thought you'd be excited. 我以为你会很兴奋
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第12期:诱惑凯勒 Yes.Yes? I want to go. 好 你答应了 我想去 I want to be with you. 我想跟你在一起 Oh, yes! 太棒了 I really love you. 我真的很爱你 Oh, come here. 过来 I love you, too. 我也爱你 Want me to help you take everything upstairs? 要
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第13期:看见艾莉的人一个个死去了 I had a really great night. Me too. 今晚我真的很开心 我也是 Drive safe. Thanks. 小心开车 谢谢 You two make a cute couple. 你们俩真是可爱的一对 Did you slither on down here to comment on my love life? 你爬下来就为了评论
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第14期:发求救短信 Guys, Closed caskets keep secrets. 姑娘们 关上棺材保守秘密 His is open and exposes yours. 他的棺材盖打开 暴露了你的秘密 There's something in that coffin that's incriminating to us. 棺材里的东西会牵连到我们 Are you
  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第15期:我们是好人 Who is that? 那是谁 Emily, Spencer, Aria, and Hanna?Yes? 艾米丽 斯宾塞 艾瑞亚 汉娜 什么事 I'm Officer Holbrook. Pennsylvania State Police. 我是霍尔布鲁克警官 宾州警局的 My partner and I are investigating the murders 我和
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第4季第17期:把手机放进棺材里 Spencer, you can stack all the food that you want, 斯宾塞 你想怎么堆这些食物都行 it wasn't Alison. Why are you so sure? 可那不是艾莉森 你为何如此确定 Because I went to her funeral twice. 因为我去过她的葬礼 两次