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  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8984 A UN commission on human rights in south sudan is warn the steady process of ethnic cleansing is underway in several parts of the country. The commssion's chair said the international community needed to act quickly to prevent repeat of Luanden genoc
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8985 The Gambian president-elect Adama Barrow has hailed a new Gambia in his first comments since his surprise victory in Thursdays elections. Mr Barrow defected Yahya Jammeh who took power in a coup 22 years ago. A BBC correspondent in the county said Mr
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8986 China has responded with guarded disapproval to a telephone call between the US president-elect Donald Trump and president of Taiwan which Beijing regards as a break-away province. Mr Trump's conversation with Taiwan's president Tsai-ing-wen broke de
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8987 The 72 year old former leader of Austria's Green Party Alexandere Von de Bellon would be the country's next president. Earlier projections show him winning more than 53 percent of the vote to defeat his rival Nobert Hoffer of a far right freedom part
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8988 The Italian prime minister Martel Rentzy has arrived at the presidential palace in Rome to submit his formal resignation. It followed his defeat on Sunday's constitutional referendum. The president would decide how best to move from the country out o
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8989 Two convoys evacuating civilians and rebel fighters have left the last rebel enclave in the Syrian city of Aleppo under a deal designed to end years of fighting. About a thousand people were in the first convoy, which included several hundred childre
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8990 The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, says the Syrian army has suspended military operations in eastern Aleppo to allow for the evacuation of thousands of civilians from the rebel-held area. He said Russian and American military experts would
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8991 President Obama has ordered U.S. intelligence agencies to probe all cyber attacks and alleged foreign intervention in the 2016 presidential election. He wants reports ready before he leaves office next month. A homeland security adviser said cyber at
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8992 The Gambian President, Yahya Jammeh, has refused to accept his shock election defeat, saying there will be a fresh vote. Mr. Jammeh said the vote tally was wrong, and he actually won with an 87,000 majority. 冈比亚总统叶海亚.加梅拒绝接受这
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8993 Donald Trump has dismissed the reported conclusions of the CIA that Russia interfered to help him win US presidential election as ridiculous. In an interview with Foxnews, Mr. Trump said he didn't believe it. He said his Democratic party rivals were
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8994 Sorry,there is not text temporarily, Please help tingroom to look for it! 如果您能找到更好的听力原文,请发贴到 听力原文收集区 ,您将会获得10到30积分的奖励! Thank you!
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8995 Sorry,there is not text temporarily, Please help tingroom to look for it! 如果您能找到更好的听力原文,请发贴到 听力原文收集区 ,您将会获得10到30积分的奖励! Thank you!
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8996 The Russian Ambassador to Turkey has been shot dead by an off-duty police officer at an art gallery in Ankara. TV pictures show the Ambassador,Andrey Karlov , making a speech when the gunman, wearing a suit and tie, opened fire from behind him, shout
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8997 Police forces across Europe are hunting a 24 year-old Tunisian man in connection with the Berlin lottery attack. Officials in Germany say Annelis Amery could be under dangerous. He had been suspected for planning to commit series of crime before the
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8998 The Russian authority say the location of a military plane with 19 people on board crashed in the black sea has been pinpointed. The defence ministry said more than 100 divers are inspecting the seabed in an operation continuing in the night. So far