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  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语655期

    【E文菌】 Dorrit,look.Your Nutcrackertickets came. Awesome!When are we going? I cant go.Its the same night as the winter dance. I wonder who could go with me.MaybeAudrey. Or I could take you. Wont it be fun? I guess. Terrific!Yeah,its a date. Don...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语654期

    【英文原音】 The true reason I should stay right where I am and not get in the car. Three words. Eight letters. Say it , and I'm yours. 【翻译】 那个我应该留在这里而不是上车的真正理由。三个字。八个字母。说了我就...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语653期

    【英文原音】 -Wait, who orders cupcakes at 2:00 A.M.? -Um, my friends. -You don't have any friends. -I have so many friends. -Who are your friends? -Some people I know. -Then how come I've never met them? -Well, they don't like you. -But they d...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语652期

    【英文】He is cute,isn't he? 【翻译】他很可爱不是吗?...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语651期

    【原文】 Many things can fuel a witch's power.Worry,angry.After Stefan told me that they had taken you,I have a lot of both.Simple locator spells was easy after that. 【翻译】 很多事情能增强女巫的能力。担心,愤怒。斯特芬告...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语650期

    【英文原音】 -Can you keep a secret? -Of course. -I mean it. -This is not something I'm prepared to tell mom and dad. -Okay. -I'm trying to get pregnant. -With Ian? -Of course. -Wh-why the rush? -We want a big family, and I don't want to be a g...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语649期

    【英文原音】 Like how the keys to someone else's happiness are not necessarily the same ones as for your own. Serena thinks she had me fooled this summer, but I know the truth. You are still in her heart. 【翻译】 比如我现在知道让他人...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语648期

    【E文菌】 While I was caught up in a drama of my own making, my dad was dealing with one created, surprisingly, by my mother. 【中文菌】 当我陷入自己制造的戏剧事件时,我爸爸正在处理我妈妈制造的大惊喜。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语647期

    【英文原音】 -Well, yesterday, you were so bummed about your life, I thought I'd take you somewhere you could feel good about yourself. -Okay. I've been wanting to say this the whole time. I feel like we're the hottest people in this room. 【翻...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语646期

    【英文】Sheldon,do you have any idea what just happened? 【翻译】谢尔顿 你知道刚才发生了什么吗...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语645期

    【原文】Okay! Here's the plan. Once the mayor begins his speech, I'll give the signal. That's when we all begin chanting, okay? You got it? All right! Let's go! 【翻译】 好了!我们的计划是这样的:市长一开始他的演讲,我就...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语644期

    【英文原音】 Your uncle can find other bodies to help him rip down buildings. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 【翻译】 你叔叔可以找其他人帮他拆房子。这可是个千载难逢的好机会。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语643期

    【英文原音】 -You're lying. -I'm not. -Your eyes are doing that thing what they don't match your mouth. -I wasn't aware that robots got jealous. Did they update your software when I was away? 【翻译】 -你在撒谎。 -我没有。 -你的眼...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语642期

    【E文菌】 If Im still dating and talking about guys in my 30s,someone needs to smother me with a pillow. 【中文菌】 如果我到了30岁还在和男人周旋,谈论男人,就该被一枕头闷死。...

  • 【跟着美剧练发音】美剧美语641期

    【英文原音】 But then I remembered the world's a dead-end and nothing good happens ever to anyone. There's a gun in that drawer. Do you want to just kill ourselves? 【翻译】 但我想起人生就是个死胡同,好事永远也不会降临。...
