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  • 乔布斯传 第164期:盖茨与乔布斯(2) Each one thought he was smarter than the other one, 两个人都觉得自己比对方聪明, but Steve generally treated Bill as someone who was slightly inferior, 但是史蒂夫总体上认为比尔比自己稍逊一筹, especially in matters o
  • 乔布斯传 第165期:盖茨与乔布斯(3) When the Macintosh was first being developed, Jobs went up to visit Gates at his office near Seattle. 当苹果开始着手研发麦金塔电脑时,乔布斯前去拜访盖茨。 Microsoft had written some applications for the Apple II, including a
  • 乔布斯传 第166期:盖茨与乔布斯(4) Despite their mutual wariness, 尽管两队人马互有戒心, both teams were excited by the prospect that Microsoft would create graphical software for the Macintosh that would take personal computing into a new realm, 但想到微软为麦金塔电
  • 乔布斯传 第167期:盖茨与乔布斯(5) After a while the relationship became bumpier. 一段时间过后,苹果和微软之间的关系开始出现问题。 The original plan was to have some of the Microsoft applicationssuch as Excel, Chart, and File 双方最初的计划是将微软的一
  • 乔布斯传 第168期:图形用户界面之争 The Battle of the GUI 图形用户界面之争 At that time, Microsoft was producing an operating system, known as DOS, 微软当时已经开发出了DOS操作系统, which it licensed to IBM and compatible computers. 并授权给IBM和兼容电脑使
  • 乔布斯传 第169期:图形用户界面之争(2) Jobs was furious. He knew there was little he could do about it 乔布斯对此很愤怒。他知道自己无计可施 Microsoft's deal with Apple not to do competing graphical software was running out 微软有权这么做,因为微软答应不做图
  • 乔布斯传 第170期:图形用户界面之争(3) As he often did when he wanted to have a serious conversation, Jobs suggested they go on a long walk. 乔布斯提议两人一起出去好好走走,一般他想要进行严肃谈话的时候都会如此。 They trekked the streets of Cupertino, bac
  • 乔布斯传 第171期:春风得意 Flying High 春风得意 The launch of the Macintosh in January 1984 propelled Jobs into an even higher orbit of celebrity, 1984年1月麦金塔电脑的发布使得乔布斯的名气如日中天, as was evident during a trip to Manhattan he took a
  • 乔布斯传 第172期:春风得意(2) For the time being, Jobs and Sculley were able to convince themselves that their friendship was still strong. 当时,乔布斯和斯卡利相信彼此之间的友谊依然坚固。 They professed their fondness so effusively 他们经常热情洋溢地
  • 乔布斯传 第173期:春风得意(3) When Jobs decided to build a state-of-the-art factory in Fremont to manufacture the Macintosh, 乔布斯决定在弗雷蒙建一家最先进的工厂,用以生产麦金塔, his aesthetic passions and controlling nature kicked into high gear. 这时
  • 乔布斯传 第174期:春风得意(4) One Sunday morning Jobs brought his father to see the factory. 一个周日的早晨,乔布斯把自己的父亲带到了工厂。 Paul Jobs had always been fastidious about making sure that his craftsmanship was exacting and his tools in order, 保罗
  • 乔布斯传 第175期:春风得意(5) His wife, Joanna Hoffman, saw the same thing when she accompanied Jobs to Europe a few months after the Macintosh was launched. 在麦金塔电脑发布几个月后,罗斯曼的妻子乔安娜霍夫曼陪同乔布斯前往欧洲,她见识到了同样
  • 乔布斯传 第176期:一落千丈 Falling 一落千丈 After the burst of excitement that accompanied the release of Macintosh, 麦金塔电脑刚发布时引发了一阵热潮, its sales began to taper off in the second half of 1984. 但到1984年下半年,其销量就开始急剧
  • 乔布斯传 第177期:一落千丈(2) The dark mood was evident in the ad that was developed in January 1985, 这种负面情绪在苹果公司1985年1月的广告中也有所体现, which was supposed to reprise the anti-IBM sentiment of the resonant 1984 ad. 这次的广告试图再次
  • 乔布斯传 第178期:一落千丈(3) Nevertheless Jobs and Sculley bent to the agency's entreaties and ran the commercial during the Super Bowl. 不过,乔布斯和斯卡利屈从于广吿公司的意愿,在美国橄榄球超级碗大赛中播放该段广告。 They went to the game