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  • 乔布斯传 第149期:蜜月(4) Sculley began to believe that Jobs's mercurial personality and erratic treatment of people were rooted deep in his psychological makeup, 斯卡利开始相信,乔布斯善变的个性和对人飘忽不定的态度深深根植于他的心理构成中,
  • 乔布斯传 第150期:真正的艺术家总能完成作品 Real Artists Ship 真正的艺术家总能完成作品 The high point of the October 1983 Apple sales conference in Hawaii was a skit based on a TV show called The Dating Game. 1983年10月,苹果公司在夏威夷举行销售会议,乔布斯上演
  • 乔布斯传 第151期:真正的艺术家总能完成作品(2) That put all the more pressure on the Macintosh, due out in January 1984, three months away, to save the day against IBM. 这一切都令将于3个月后(即1984年1月)发布的麦金塔电脑压力更大,它将成为扭转败局的关键。 A
  • 乔布斯传 第152期:"1984"起惊雷 The 1984 Ad 1984广告片 In the spring of 1983, when Jobs had begun to plan for the Macintosh launch, 1983年春,乔布斯开始计划麦金塔电脑的发布, he asked for a commercial that was as revolutionary and astonishing as the product th
  • 乔布斯传 第153期:"1984"起惊雷(2) But he also realized, deep inside, that he had increasingly abandoned the hacker spirit. 但他内心深处意识到,自己正日益摒弃黑客精神。 Some might even accuse him of selling out. 有些人甚至指责乔布斯出卖了黑客精神。
  • 乔布斯传 第154期:"1984"起惊雷(3) When Jobs previewed the ad for the Apple sales force at the meeting in Hawaii, they were thrilled. 当乔布斯在夏威夷销售会议上展示这段广告时,人们激动不已。 So he screened it for the board at its December 1983 meeting. 于是
  • 乔布斯传 第155期:"1984"起惊雷(4) He ended up not needing to. 不过,他最终根本无须出这一半的钱。 The agency was able to sell off the thirty-second time slot, 广告公司把30秒的广告时段卖掉了, but in an act of passive defiance it didn't sell the longer o
  • 乔布斯传 第156期:爆炸式宣传 Publicity Blast 爆炸式宣传 Over the years Steve Jobs would become the grand master of product launches. 多年来,史蒂夫乔布斯已成为产品发布大师。 In the case of the Macintosh, the astonishing Ridley Scott ad was just one of th
  • 乔布斯传 第157期:爆炸式宣传(2) The technology writer Steven Levy, who was then working for Rolling Stone, came to interview Jobs, 当时还在《滚石》杂志工作的科技作家斯蒂芬列维来采访乔布斯, who urged him to convince the magazine's publisher to put the M
  • 乔布斯传 第158期:麦金塔的宣传发布 January 24, 1984 1984年1月24日 On the morning that he and his teammates completed the software for the Macintosh, 和同事完成麦金塔软件的那个早晨, Andy Hertzfeld had gone home exhausted and expected to stay in bed for at least a da
  • 乔布斯传 第159期:麦金塔的宣传发布(2) At the rehearsal the night before the launch, nothing was working well. 在发布仪式前夜的预演中,这一切都没能顺利进行。 Jobs hated the way the animation scrolled across the Macintosh screen, and he kept ordering tweaks. 乔布斯讨
  • 乔布斯传 第160期:麦金塔的宣传发布(3) As chairman of the company, Jobs went onstage first to start the shareholders' meeting. 作为苹果公司的董事长,乔布斯首先登台,宣布股东大会正式开始。 He did so with his own form of an invocation. 他用自己的方式开场
  • 乔布斯传 第161期:麦金塔的宣传发布(4) With a flair for the dramatic, Jobs walked across the dark stage to a small table with a cloth bag on it. 天生就知道如何激荡人心的乔布斯穿过黑暗的舞台,走向一张小桌子,桌上摆着一个布包。 Now I'd like to show yo
  • 乔布斯传 第162期:麦金塔的宣传发布(5) Hello. I'm Macintosh. It sure is great to get out of that bag, it began. 你好,我是麦金塔。从包包里面出来的感觉真好。它致以开场白。 The only thing it didn't seem to know how to do was to wait for the wild cheering and shr
  • 乔布斯传 第163期:盖茨与乔布斯 The Macintosh Partnership 因麦金塔而合作 In astronomy, a binary system occurs when the orbits of two stars are linked because of their gravitational interaction. 在天文学中,当两颗星体轨道交织,由于引力相互作用,就会出