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  • 英国新闻听力 话题探讨:器官捐赠无对错 Listening to the debate on organ transplants yesterday, reminded me of a friend who is currently waiting for a donor kidney and the enormous impact his current health is having on his family. 昨天关于器官移植的讨论让我想起了一个正在
  • 英国新闻听力 欧元区为希腊启动115亿援助资金 22岁白人杀害9名黑人被判死刑 I am Stewart Macintosh with the BBC News, hello. 大家好,斯图尔特.麦塔金为您播报BBC新闻。 Eurozone finance ministers agreed to unlock about 11.5 billion dollars in bailout fund to Greece after late night talks in Brussels. 欧元区各
  • 英国新闻听力 拳王阿里去世, 享年74岁 Tributes are being paid around the world to Mohammad Ali, considered by many to be the best boxer of all time and three times the heavyweight champion of the world. 世界各地的人们都在致敬穆罕默德阿里,他是许多人眼中自始至终
  • 英国新闻听力 伦敦挖出两千年前古代市场证据 London is one of the busiest financial centers of the modern world. 伦敦是当今世界最繁忙的金融中心之一。 And historians have revealed evidence that two thousand years ago, business deals were being struck on exactly the same spot. 历
  • 英国新闻听力 索菲亚·科波拉突破性执导歌剧《茶花女》 Italy invented Opera but its opera house in Rome has been in crisis. 意大利发明了歌剧,但罗马的歌剧院却陷入了危机, It's been losing money and in recent years, its musicians have gone on strike. 近年来亏损不断,导致音乐
  • 英国新闻听力 巴西新政官员涉嫌贪污 猪角膜或可帮助盲人重见光明 A key minister in Brazil's new government is stepping aside, after he was caught on tape allegedly conspiring to obstruct the country's biggest-ever corruption investigation. 巴西新任政府主要官员因在一段视频中涉嫌阻碍巴西最大贪
  • 英国新闻听力 英国大学生学黑客技巧保卫网络安全 Computer hacking directly affects thousands of people and companies every day. 计算机黑客每天直接影响着数千人和公司。 Of late, there've been stories of how the voting records of more than 18 million Mexicans were accessible online,
  • 英国新闻听力 奥巴马解除停向越南出售武器的禁令 Hello, this is David Austin with the BBC news. 大家好,大卫奥斯丁为您播报BBC新闻。 President Obama on a visit to Vietnam has lifted a ban on selling weapons to the Vietnamese government. 美国总统奥巴马访越期间宣布将解除停
  • 英国新闻听力 首届人道主义峰会在土耳其举行 The Iraqi Prime Minister has announced the start of a large military operation to recapture Fallujah from Islamic State fighters, 伊拉克总理宣布对费卢杰展开大规模军事行动, the city which is 65 kilometers west of Baghdad has been
  • 英国新闻听力 巴塞罗那加冕双冠王 The Greek parliament has approved several economic and financial reforms after a long and acrimony emergency debate on further austerity measures. 希腊议会就新一轮紧缩措施进行了激烈讨论,多项经济和财政政策得到最终批准
  • 英国新闻听力 英国将简化香烟包装 A day after an Egypt airplane dropped off the radar close to Cairo. 埃客机在开罗附近消失。 No debris has yet been discovered. 事件发生一天以来,尚未发现任何残骸。 Rescue teams are continuing to search the East Mediterrane
  • 英国新闻听力 斯里兰卡洪水泛滥已致37人死亡 The Nigerian military say they freed nearly 100 women and girls held by Boko Haram militants during a clearance operation in the north of the country, 据尼日利亚军方表示,军方在北部城市发动清剿行动,成功从博科圣地极端分
  • 英国新闻听力 埃客机失事尚不排除恐袭可能 Vessels and aircrafts from several countries are continuing to search for wreckage of the Egypt airplane that disappeared over the east Mediterranean early on Thursday. Egyptian and Greek authorities say the debris spot earlier in waters of the Greek
  • 英国新闻听力 贝鲁特垃圾争议 The voters of Beirut have had their chance to let the politicians know what they think of the months and months they've had to enjoy stinky rubbish piling up on the street. 贝鲁特选民终于有机会让政客了解他们对数月以来垃圾满街的
  • 英国新闻听力 蜣螂用天空快照导航 Scientists say that dung beetles have developed a complex method of navigation that relies on the position of the sun, the moon and the stars. 科学家称,蜣螂拥有一套依赖日、月、星位置导航的复杂方法。 It's hoped that unders