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  • 绿箭侠第一季 第269期:罗伊·哈勃被抓 I was waiting for this. 我正等着呢 Waiting for what? 等什么 The whole You can change, I can see the real you speech. 你的长篇大论,你可以改变、我会认识到真正的你 Look around, Thea. This is home sweet home for me. 看看这
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  • 绿箭侠第一季 第272期:找到蛛丝马迹 Anything? I've been going through all the video we got, 有线索了吗?我把视频都看了一遍 trying to see if there's anything that'll tell us where this guy is. 想找出蛛丝马迹,透露出他们的所在地 I got nothing, except a sou
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第273期:解救罗伊 It's happening. I'll give you 10 minutes to state your case, Roy. 开始了。我给你10分钟叙述理由,罗伊。 So tell us. Why do you get to live? 告诉我们。为什么你还活着? I shouldn't. Just do it. Kill me. 我不该活着的。杀
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第274期:重逢 Got to get going to the airport. That red eye to Central City. 我要去机场了。坐红眼航班去中心城 I should be home in a flash. 我马上就能到家了 Mom. Call me some time. I'd really like that. You would? 妈。给我打打电话。我
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第275期:英雄的寂寞 Ollie? I heard Thea's friend was ok. 奥利?我听说西娅的朋友没事 Yeah. That worked out ok. This Roy... is more than just a friend, isn't he? 完好解决了。这个罗伊不只是朋友,对不 Bad boys. Hook you every time. 坏男孩啊。
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第276期:黑箭再出手 Thank you for coming, Frank. 谢谢你能来,弗兰克 Meeting like this is dangerous, Moira. Particularly now. 这样见面很危险,莫伊拉。尤其是现在 Yes, I know. Malcolm knows. What? 我知道。马尔科姆知道了。什么? I ha
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  • 绿箭侠第一季 第278期:发疯的伯爵 I just need to ask him a few questions, Doc. 医生,我就问他几个问题 Well, you're welcome to try, Detective, but I'm not sure you'll get very far with him. 你可以试试,警官,但我不确定你能问出什么来 What does that mean?
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第279期:伯爵越狱 Uncle John. Hey, buddy. 约翰叔叔。嘿,伙计。 Will you read Logan Bogan to me? 你能读罗根伯根的故事给我听吗 Sweetheart, get into bed and mommy will read to you in a minute. 宝贝,上床去,等会妈妈念给你听 But I wa
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第280期:怀疑汤米梅林 I was administering his meds. He was babbling. 我在给他吃药,他在喃喃自语 His usual ranting, then he's ice cold. He overpowered me. 他惯例吼闹,然后突然不说话。一下子压制住我 He forced me to take him out through the
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第281期:继续追踪 All right. The person of color has successfully purchased your drugs. 好了。黑哥哥我弄来了你要的毒品。 For the record, I offered. 别忘了,我可自告奋勇过。 How will we know when the tracker is active? 追踪器何时会起效
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第282期:调查汤米 What brings you by? 什么风把你吹来了? Hey, would you like some dinner? Your daughter ordered way too much Thai food. 嘿,一起吃晚饭吧?你女儿点了超多泰国外卖 No, thanks. This is a business visit, actually. 不用了,谢谢
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第283期:交易现场 Hold up hand up. Palm facing me. Hit the water. 手举起来。掌心对着我。击打水面 What? Hit it. Again. Again. Harder. 什么?快点。再来。再来,用力 If the point of this is to make me feel like an idiot, it's working. 想让我看