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  • 绿箭侠第一季 第196期:斯莱德赶来搭救 Island tower, Skyhawk 801 Foxtrot. We are 2,000 feet and holding, over. 指挥塔,这里是天鹰801F。我们正停在两千英尺外,完毕 Skyhawk 801 Foxtrot. This is island tower. You're clear to land. 天鹰801F。这里是指挥塔。可以着
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第197期:得到认可 I'm impressed. You didn't puke. 厉害。你居然没吐 I swallowed it. 我忍住了 You can untie me now. 你可以把我松开了 Why'd you want me to tie you up in the first place? 你为什么非让我把你绑起来 A man in pain is unreliable.
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第198期:IT女同意加入 I guess I didn't die. Again. Cool. 看来我没死。再一次。太棒了 It's not bad. So how am I going to explain this one? 不是很糟。我要怎么解释这一次呢 Hickey gone wrong? 枪走火 The police collected a sample of your blood at
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第199期:安慰母亲 6'1, and a deep voice. 大约6尺1,嗓音低沉 What's going on? 发生什么了 Where have you been? I've been calling you all night. 你去哪儿了?我打了你一晚的电话 I was at the club. I get zero reception in there. 我在店里,那儿
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第200期:非法传销罪犯 Jerry. Jerry, you ok? You look a little peaked, man. 杰瑞。杰瑞,你没事吧,看上去有点虚啊 I'm fine. It's, uh, Mrs. Hill wants us to move the Sherwood into the vault. 没事,希尔女士要我们把狮龙转移到地下室 Now? It'
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第201期:目标锁定珠宝大盗 Thank you for coming. 谢谢你能来 It is so good to see you, Frank. It's been far too long. 见到你真高兴,弗兰克。很久没见了 Yes. My interests in China have kept me away more than I'd like. 是啊,在中国呆的时间比我想的要
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第202期:身手出色的大盗 He's late. 他迟到了 Never. 从不 I maintain a Swiss account for financial transactions. Here's the number. 为了金融交易我开了瑞士的账户。这是号码 Thanks. I'll wire you the money. 谢谢。我会把钱转给你的 Assuming I do
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第203期:奥利弗约会女警探 Who knew street meat could taste so good? 怎么没人告诉过我,街边的烤肉这么好吃呢 I had a feeling you needed a break from the office. 我一猜你就急需逃离办公室休息一会 Hank was my first client. 汉克是我的第一个客
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第204期:偷包贼的信息 Lance 兰斯 Sergeant, it's Detective Hall. I have an update on the Dodger case. 队长,我是豪尔警探,幕后者的案子有了新进展 A body was found in an art gallery shot point blank. 艺术馆发现一具被一枪致命的尸体 There
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第205期:两场糟糕的约会 I can't remember the last time I was here. 我都记不清上次来这里是什么时候了 It's so beautiful. 真美啊 Yeah, this was the place to take a girl in high school. 想勾搭高中小女生就带她来这 Hmm, I was never lucky enough to
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第206期:荒岛上的交换生 Who are you? 你是谁 My name is Alan Durand. I'm an exchange student. 我是阿兰杜兰,一名交换生 I was on a fishing excursion with my class. 我跟班里出去海钓 We got lost and our boat caught fire. 我走丢了,船失火了 It was
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第207期:袭击交易地点 Nice place you have here. 这地方不错啊 Oh, thank you. 谢谢 Tell me. Does every fence in this town hire muscle? 告诉我,是所有的黑货市场都要雇打手么 I did as soon as I heard about what you did to Cass Derenick. 一听说你对卡
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第208期:设计引出幕后者 I heard on the news the Dodger got away. 我听新闻说幕后者逃跑了 Hopefully the night wasn't a complete waste. Your dates. How'd they go? 但愿今晚没白干。你的约会怎样 Great. Awesome. 很好,不错 You two suck at lying. 你俩太
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第209期:罗伊·哈勃的故事 Roy William Harper Jr. Where's senior? 小罗伊威廉哈勃。大的在哪? Norris cemetery. 诺里斯公墓 Sorry to hear that. 抱歉 You and an army of bookies. Can I go? 你们一群笨蛋。我能走了吗 No. You've been IDed as a suspect in
  • 绿箭侠第一季 第210期:设下圈套 They'll meet with you. It has been arranged. 他们会和你会见,已经安排好了 Thank you for this. There's one more thing I need you to do for me. 谢谢。还有一件事要你帮忙 Malcolm's the only one who knows where Walter's being kep