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  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第10集 第26期:同一战线 You heard. 你听说了 Yeah. 嗯 But I didn't understand. 但是我不明白 You identified him? 你指认他了吗 Ali, I thought we were in this together. 艾莉 我还以为我们是同一战线的 - We are. - No. -我们是 -不 We're not. 不是的
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第10集 第29期:享受生活 I was beginning to think you might not show. 我还以为你不来了 There's a warrant out for my arrest. 逮捕我的逮捕令都签发了 I barely made it out in time. 我差点出不来了 That wasn't the deal we made. 我们可不是这么约定的
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第1期:睡眠帮助 Jeez, you scared the hell out of me. 天 你把我吓死了 What is this? 这是什么 Nothing. 没什么 I thought we had a deal. 我们不是商定好协议了吗 It wasn't so much a deal, okay? 那算不上什么协议好吗 It was more like an un
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第2期:坦诚相对 How could she identify a kidnapper 她怎么能在从没被绑架的情况下 when she was never kidnapped? 指认别人是绑架犯呢 She knew him from when she was on her own. 她独自在外的时候就认识他了 The name he gave the police was
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第3期:更好的人 Your brother deserves way better than Mona. 你弟弟配得上比梦娜更好的人 Boys hate it when you question their judgment. 男生们讨厌你质疑他们的判断 If I try to tell Mike that Mona isn't what he's looking for-- 我要是试图告诉
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第4期:酒瘾 You can't just introduce Caleb to a total stranger and say, 你不能就这么把凯勒介绍给完全陌生的人说 let's talk about addiction. 我们谈谈酒瘾的问题吧 Spencer, I have to do something. 斯宾塞 我必须得做点什么 I thi
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第8期:适当的警惕 You think or Hanna thinks? 你认为还是汉娜认为 He's different. 他变了 Not in big ways, but just... 不是很大地改变 但... little things. 他就是变了 Such as? 比如呢 He looks... 他看起来... There's a word that's lost all of
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第9期:与死者的关联 Let us decide what's relevant. 警方会判断是否有关 We will. 我们会的 Oh, I have been meaning to ask you all something. 我一直想问你们一件事 Who do you think killed Bethany Young? 你们认为是谁杀了宝芬妮杨 Who do we th
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第11期:失踪的夜晚 Spencer. 斯宾塞 You were right. 你说得对 I have to tell you the truth before it's too late. 趁还不算太迟 我得把真相告诉你 Dad's taking me to the airport. 爸爸准备送我去机场 I'm going back to England. 我要回英格兰了