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  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第12期:活埋 It felt like everyone who ever made the mistake 就好像不管谁错手伤过艾莉 of touching Ali was there that night. 那晚他们都在 What's that line from The Tempest ? 《暴风雨》里是怎么写的 This island is full of noises. 这座岛
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第14期:坦诚相对 They're talking. 他们在讲话 Talking is good. 是个好现象 What can he say to Toby that he can't say to me? 他和托比说的话 为什么不能和我说 Sometimes people want to tell you things, 有时他们想告诉你一些事情 but they
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第15期:自欺欺人 Miriam, where are you? 米里亚姆 你在哪 Miriam! 米里亚姆 Hey, Miriam, come on, stop fooling. 米里亚姆 别再自欺欺人了 I promised you dinner. 我答应请你吃晚餐 Yeah, I just don't feel like I earned it. 是的 我只是觉得这
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第16期:认罪 So this was taken 16 months ago 这是十六个月前拍的 at a branch off the Turnpike, near Donegal. 就在多尼哥收费公路的分叉路口 You can tell by the code that's in the time stamp. 从时间戳上的编码就能判断 If you have tha
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第17期:善良的人 Mona? 梦娜 You are very good. 你很厉害 You know right where to put the knife 你知道在何处下刀 and you're not afraid to twist it. 也不怕折磨他人 Alison underestimated you. 艾莉森低估你了 Look... 听我说 I'm sorry. 对不起
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第18期:齐心协力 Is that why you built an army? 这是你缔结联盟的原因吗 It's hard to keep the troops in line 要想让大家齐心协力很难 when Alison offers them candy and a smile 尤其是艾莉森向他们示好 对他们微笑 and that lilting littl
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第19期:可怜的梅丽莎 But I can't just leave you. 但我不能就这么离开你 Not again. 不能再一次 Not like this. 我不能又这样 You were always very good at leaving, Melissa. 你一直很擅长离开 梅丽莎 You had a flair for the grand exit. 你尤其擅长
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第20期:恪守职责 Caleb, I will fight for you, but you have to trust me. 凯勒 我会为你而战 但你得相信我 If we don't trust each other, 如果我们不信任对方 then I might as well just help you pack. 那我也许只能帮你收拾行李了 What did yo
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第22期:萤火虫 Where did you get this? 这个你是从哪里拿到的 Ezra. 以斯拉那里 Who else was going to help us? 其他还有谁会帮我们 Well, it's the end of 如果我们把这个拿出来 Ali's kidnap story if we use this. 那艾莉被绑架的故事就
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第23期:说服自己 They drifted up into the trees and... 它们飞进树林里 然后... they were gone. 就都消失了 Mrs. Grunwald called it A great ascendency. 格伦沃尔德夫人称之为伟大的统治 And after that? 这之后呢 No demons, no messages, no re
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第24期:梦里说话 This is real. 这是真实的 People turned it into a game 大家把它变成一个游戏 and they forgot what it's really for. 并且忘记了它的真正用途 They forgot because they were afraid of it. 他们忘记是因为害怕它 Hanna, there
  • 《美少女的谎言》第五季第11集 第25期:一模一样的衣服 I just got that today. 这是我今天才收到的 It took me a while to decide 我想了好久 whether or not to show it to you. 才决定给你们看的 Understood. 我理解 Melissa killed Bethany Young. 梅丽莎杀了宝芬妮杨 She thought tha
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第1集 第1期:割器官 Is this a hospital? 这是医院吗 Looks more like a morgue. 更像是太平间 It feels like somebody's ripping my brain out 我觉得有人要从我眼窝 through my eye sockets. 把我的脑袋挖出来 What did they do to us? 他们对我们做了