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  • 欧美人文风情第243篇:老外的日本美容用品初体验 Okay. Uh-huh. It's a bra for your face, obviously. 好。嗯哼。很显然,这是给脸用的胸罩。 Looks right. Does it look cute? Actually, yeah. 看起来没用错。可爱吗?老实说,可爱耶。 Feels super natural. It's like nothing
  • 欧美人文风情第244篇:你知道人类每年浪费多少食物吗 The Huffington Post wants you to take food waste seriously. 《赫芬顿邮报》想要你认真看待食物浪费议题。 According to the FAO, 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted every single year. 根据联合国粮食及农业组织调查,每一
  • 欧美人文风情第245篇:十五岁男孩的"小小人"奇幻摄影集 My name is Zev Hoover. I take pictures of miniature people. And they've, sort of, exploded online recently. 我的名字是 Zev Hoover。我拍摄迷你人的照片。而它们,可以说,最近在网络上爆红起来。 I wanted to improve my Ph
  • 欧美人文风情第246篇:台风是如何命名的 Much like hurricanes with names like Sandy, Dennis, and Katrina, typhoons, which originate in the Pacific, are also named. 就像飓风有着珊迪、丹尼斯和卡崔娜这些名字一样,台风,源自太平洋,也有被命名。 This may com
  • 欧美人文风情第247篇:一起探索罗马之美! Buongiorno! And welcome to Rome. 大家好(意大利文)!欢迎来到罗马。 This is one of the most lively capital cities in all of Europe, and it's full of food and culture and some serious ancient history. 这是全欧洲最生气蓬勃的首都之
  • 欧美人文风情第248篇:细胞自噬作用 癌症治疗的一线曙光 A moment every scientist dreams ofthe Nobel Committee in Stockholm announcing the prize winner. ...to Yoshinori Ohsumi. 一个每位科学家梦想的时刻--在斯德哥尔摩的诺贝尔委员会宣布得奖者。...得奖的是大隅良典。
  • 欧美人文风情第249篇:表情符号开会 Hello, my fellow emojis! Glad you could all make it to this recently used press conference. 哈喽,我的表情符号同胞们!很高兴你们都能来到「最近常用符号」的记者会。 Uh, we have some pizza and bread and ramen and beer if
  • 欧美人文风情第250篇:国际女童日 You can change the world. Someone out there is counting on you. 你可以改变世界。这世界上有人正期望你伸出援手。 Imagine a life without books, a life without an education. Fifty-seven million children woke up this morning and did
  • 欧美人文风情第251篇:当小朋友遇上异国美食 Today, you'll be eating...this! Ew! 今天,你将要吃下...这个!恶!那是什么? What is that? All the ideas of what this could be is disgusting me. 所有这可能是什么东西的想法都让我感到恶心。 I don't wanna say it, but it
  • 欧美人文风情第252篇:一起到伦敦来趟深度旅游 London is situated in the southeast of England, in the Thames Valley. 伦敦位处英国东南部,泰晤士流域内。 Home to over eight million people, the capital of the UK has been an important financial, educational, and cultural center for h
  • 欧美人文风情第253篇:天使超模Karlie Kloss对人生的23个体悟 Hi, guys. Today is my birthday! I'm turning 23, so I thought to celebrate, I'd bake a cake! 嗨,大家。今天是我的生日!我要满二十三岁了,所以我想为了庆祝,我就来烤个蛋糕吧! And while the cake's baking, I'm gonna te
  • 欧美人文风情第254篇:婚姻对你来说是什么 Marriage. Ooh, gosh! That's so complicated. Complicated. 婚姻。喔,天啊!那太复杂了。复杂。 Equality. Everyone. 平等。每一个人。 Non-existent. I feel like marriage is something people don't necessarily think about anymore when
  • 欧美人文风情第255篇:到东京你一定要玩这些 Konichiwa. Welcome to Tokyo. 你好(日文)。欢迎来到东京。 We are so excited to be here in the capital city of Japan. 我们超兴奋能来到日本的首都这里。 Even with all its entertainment and excitement, this city has maintained i
  • 欧美人文风情第256篇:用海洋垃圾打造时尚潮鞋 We made an incredible, moldable, indestructible material. But when we dump it, it doesn't go away. 我们制造出一种不可思议、可随意塑形、坚不可摧的材料。但当我们将之丢弃时,它并不会消失。 Now one truck of it e
  • 欧美人文风情第257篇:热量飙升的糖果感恩节大餐 We gotta have a turkey for the centerpiece, and I know we have one. I don't think we've ever used it. 我们一定要有只火鸡当餐桌中央的装饰品,我知道我们有一只。我不认为我们有用过它。 Here's our fake-our fake fruit