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  • 时代周刊:揭秘性罪犯治疗 和性犯罪者一起接受治疗(6)

    People have been sharing their problems with Cheryl all her life, even before she was a therapist. 即便是在谢丽尔成为心理治疗师之前,人们就已经开始对谢丽尔倾诉他们的问题了。 During a session, she lets every emotio...

  • 时代周刊:揭秘性罪犯治疗 和性犯罪者一起接受治疗(5)

    After each weekly discussion, Cheryl and Jennifer give homework assignments, 每周讨论结束后,谢丽尔和詹妮弗都会布置家庭作业, such as asking participants to fill in a timeline of high and low moments in their lives, 比如让参...

  • 时代周刊:揭秘性罪犯治疗 和性犯罪者一起接受治疗(4)

    The consequences were swift. 后果很快就降临了。 Matt went to prison for 11 months. 马特被判了11个月的监禁。 He lost his career and fiance. 还失去了事业和他的未婚妻。 He now works a job in construction that he says he...

  • 时代周刊:揭秘性罪犯治疗 和性犯罪者一起接受治疗(3)

    But they say that by the time most of their patients leave therapy, 但她们说,大多数病人治疗结束时, they are equipped to take responsibility for their actions, 都已经有能力为自己的行为负责了, to understandwhat led th...

  • 时代周刊:揭秘性罪犯治疗 和性犯罪者一起接受治疗(2)

    The more than 800,000 registered sex offenders in the U.S. may feel that their parole restrictions are onerous, 美国80多万名登记在册的性犯罪者或许会觉得假释的限制条件太过苛刻, but the mere presence of a known offender...

  • 时代周刊:揭秘性罪犯治疗 和性犯罪者一起接受治疗(1)

    Inside Sex Offender Therapy 揭秘性罪犯治疗 Three Days in Treatment with 16 Convicted Men 和16名被判有罪的男子一起感受三天治疗 By Eliana Docketerman 文/伊莲娜达吉特尔曼 The men file in, a few wearing pressed button-dow...

  • 时代周刊:“善后者”的神秘资金(5)

    A lawyer for Columbus Nova wrote in a statement May 8 哥伦布诺瓦的一名律师在5月8日的一份声明中写道, that the firms payment to Essential Consultants had no connection to Vekselberg. 该公司支付给必要咨询的费用和维克...

  • 时代周刊:“善后者”的神秘资金(4)

    Former Novartis CEO Joe Jimenez met with Trump in late January 2017. 2017年1月底,诺华集团前CEO江慕忠曾见过特朗普。 Starting in February that year, 从那年二月开始, the company paid Essential Consultants $100,000 a month fo...

  • 时代周刊:“善后者”的神秘资金(3)

    FOR A MULTIMILLION-DOLLAR company, Essential Consultants has a light footprint. 对于一家资产数百万美元的公司来说,必要咨询留下的脚印似乎轻了些。 It has no website, no board and no employees. 它既没有网站,也没有...

  • 时代周刊:“善后者”的神秘资金(2)

    Later that evening, Trumps lawyers Jay Sekulow and Rudy Giuliani left a message for the President 当晚晚些时候,特朗普的律师杰伊塞库洛和鲁迪朱利安尼给总统留了言 they didnt want to take Trump away from monitoring his Sec...

  • 时代周刊:“善后者”的神秘资金(1)

    Now a national news 下面是一则国内新闻 The Fixers Mystery Fund 特朗普善后者的神秘资金 Millions went in, but for what? 进账资金数以百万计,问题是都是为了什么? By Brian Bennett, Haley Sweetland Edwards 文/布莱恩...

  • 时代周刊:伊朗核协议并没有彻底作废

    Now the risk report by Ian Bremmer 下面是伊恩布雷默供稿的风险报告 The aftershock across the globe 余震波及全世界 THE IRAN DEAL ISNT dead yet. 伊朗核协议并没有彻底作废。 The rest of the signatories (Germany, France,...

  • 时代周刊:CEO聊政治 沃伦·巴菲特有话说

    Now the CEO report by Alan Murray 下面是阿兰默里供稿的CEO报告 Warren Bufett speaks to CEOs going political CEO聊政治 沃伦巴菲特有话说 WHEN WARREN BUFFETT held his annual investor-fest at the beginning of this month, 本月初,在...

  • 时代周刊:尼科尔·帕希尼扬通过不流血革命夺取亚美尼亚政权

    Armenias peaceful protester takes power in a bloodless revolution 亚美尼亚和平示威者通过一场没有流血的革命夺取了政权 ON MAY 8, PRO-DEMOCRACY PROTESTER Nikol Pashinyan was appointed interim Prime Minister of Armenia, 5月8日,...

  • 时代周刊:美国选民恢复正常了吗?(2)

    The result was a reminder that for all the apparent political energy on the left, 这一结果提醒我们,尽管左派表现出了明显的政治活力, hardcore liberals dont necessarily have the numbers to win Democratic primaries. 硬核的自由...
