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  • 向前一步:第165期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(23) True partnership in our homes does more than just benefit couples today; it also sets the stage for the next generation. 真正从家庭搭档关系中受益的,不仅仅是夫妻双方,还包括他们的下一代。 The workplace has evolved mor
  • 向前一步:第166期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(24) A law professor, Mel often taught classes at night. 作为一个法律教授,梅尔晚上常常有课, Since he wanted the family to have at least one meal together each day, 但他希望每天至少能和家里人一起吃一顿饭, he decided
  • 向前一步:第167期 让你的另一半成为你真正的人生搭档(25) This revolution will happen one family at a time. 我相信所有的家庭都会发生这场革命。 The good news is that men in younger generations appear more eager to be real partners than men in previous generations. 好消息是,比起前辈人
  • 向前一步:第168期 全能女人是个神话(1) Chapter 9 The Myth of Doing It All 第9章 全能女人是个神话 Having it all. Perhaps the greatest trap ever set for women was the coining of this phrase. 拥有一切也许是女人遭遇的最大陷阱。 Bandied about in speeches, headlines,
  • 向前一步:第169期 全能女人是个神话(2) Think of Icarus, who soared to great heights with his man-made wings. 想想伊卡洛斯的故事,他戴着人造的翅膀飞上高空。 His father warned him not to fly too near the sun, but Icarus ignored the advice. 父亲警告过他不要飞得
  • 向前一步:第170期 全能女人是个神话(3) Mothers who work outside the home are constantly reminded of these challenges. 在外工作的女性总是不得不面对这些挑战。 Tina Fey noted that when she was promoting the movie Date Night with Steve Carell, a father of two and star of hi
  • 向前一步:第171期 全能女人是个神话(4) Trying to do it all and expecting that it all can be done exactly right is a recipe for disappointment. 试图做到一切还期待做得超级完美,这必然导致希望落空。 Perfection is the enemy. 完美主义是我们的大敌。 Gloria S
  • 向前一步:第172期 全能女人是个神话(5) At the time, I thought to myself, Yup, she should not have admitted that publicly. 当时我心里想的是:噢,她的确不应该说出这件事。 Now that I'm a parent, I think this woman was a genius. 当了母亲以后,我才觉得这个女人
  • 向前一步:第173期 全能女人是个神话(6) I was pretty sure I knew what they were. 我很肯定是虱子。 I was the only person bringing young children on this corporate plane and now my daughter most likely had lice! 这架商务机里就我带着小孩子,而现在我女儿身上有虱子
  • 向前一步:第174期 全能女人是个神话(7) Psychologist Jennifer Stuart studied a group of Yale graduates and concluded that for such women, 心理学家詹妮弗斯图尔特研究了一群耶鲁女毕业生工作后的生活状况,得出结论说,对于这样的女性, the effort to co
  • 向前一步:第175期 全能女人是个神话(8) One day, Larry gathered everyone together for a talk. 有一天,卡纳里克召集了所有人, He explained that since he was running the office, employees came to him when they wanted to quit. 跟大家解释说因为他是办事处负责人,所
  • 向前一步:第176期 全能女人是个神话(9) No one ever demanded that I work this schedule; Still, the culture in those early days promoted working around the clock. 没人要求我工作这么长时间,但那时谷歌的氛围还是很鼓励废寝忘食地工作的。 When my son arrived, I
  • 向前一步:第177期 全能女人是个神话(10) I would have been offended, except they knew me better than I knew myself. 要不是他们比我还了解我自己,这种做法肯定会惹恼我。 I was back on e-mail from my hospital room the day after giving birth. 生完孩子当天,一回到
  • 向前一步:第178期 全能女人是个神话(11) I started arriving at work around 9:00 a.m. and leaving at 5:30 p.m. 从此,我开始早上9点到公司,下午5点30分离开公司。 This schedule allowed me to nurse my son before I left and get home in time to nurse again before putting him
  • 向前一步:第179期 全能女人是个神话(12) Susan Wojcicki, who blazed a trail by having four children while being one of Google's earliest and most valuable employees, 苏珊沃西基有4个孩子,她是谷歌资历最老、最重要的员工之一。 brought her children to the office when