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  • 英国新闻听力 俄罗斯誓言打击IS激进分子 The Russian President Vladimir Putin has told the United Nations general assembly that it will be a huge mistake not to cooperate with the Syrian President Bashar Assad to defeat Islamic State militants. President Obama said the United States was pre
  • 英国新闻听力 火星上是否有生命存在 For many of us, Life on Mars brings to mind first of all the great TV detective series where Sam, played by John Simm travels back in time to work as a police officer with the retro, totally un-pc Detective Inspector Gene Hunt, energetically played b
  • 英国新闻听力 放下偏见 治愈过去的痛苦 How do we move forward when past suffering still affects us? Many people face that question in their personal lives, but there's a collective dimension, too, as we've heard in the call for reparations for slavery that have accompanied David Cameron's
  • 英国新闻听力 巴黎举办首届无车日活动 Hello. This is David Austin with the BBC News. France has become the latest country to launch air strikes against the Islamic State group in Syria. The presidential office in Paris said that they hit targets identified over the past fortnight. The Fr
  • 英国新闻听力 一家五口的难民旅程 She was thinking about death. And she was crying and saying God, please help my family. The four-year journey from Homs to Budapest via Lebanon, Turkey across the sea to Greece through Macedonia and then Serbia. The Christian men taking up arms to de
  • 英国新闻听力 月全食体现宇宙最美奇观 Good morning. I was up at 3am, not to write Thought for the Day, but in the hope of seeing a giant blood red moon - and judging by the photos coming into this programme I wasn't the only one. As we have heard, this is produced by a total lunar eclips
  • 英国新闻听力 奥普联大会面将重点讨论乌克兰问题 King Salman of Saudi Arabia has ordered a fullreview of the country's plans for the annual Hajj pilgrimage after 700 people died in a crush outside the Muslim holy city of Mecca. Here is Frank Gardner. Saudi Arabia is in shock. It's reeling from the
  • 英国新闻听力 沙特踩踏事故死亡人数上升 Saudi Arabia says more than 700 people are now known to have died in the crush of the annual haji prilgrimage. About 800 others have been injured. The disaster at Mina, on the outskirts of Mecca, is the worst of the haji in 25 years. The Saudi Health
  • 英国新闻听力 欧盟召开成员国内政部长会议 European leaders are continuing to hold talks in Brussels on how to tackle the migrant crisis, but discussions continue to be hampered by the serious political divisions between member states, particularly on migrant resettlement. The Hungarian Prime
  • 英国新闻听力 达尔文是否无神论者? Good morning. I live just down the lane from Walton Hall, the home of the 19th century naturalist and explorer, Charles Waterton. 早上好。我家就住在沃尔顿大厅所在的这条街。该大厅是19世纪自然学家和探险家查尔斯沃特
  • 英国新闻听力 网络间谍或成为中美关系绊脚石 The general who seized power in a coup in Burkino Faso said he is ready to hand over to a civilian government as proposed by regional mdediators. 在布基纳法索,地区斡旋人员与政变将军达成协议,并准备将权力移交过渡政府。
  • 英国新闻听力 朝鲜全面重启宁边主要核设施 Hundreds of migrants trying to reach the European Union are stranded on the border between Hungary and Serbia. A newly completed razor wire fence have shut off informal corssings, and the asylum seekers say they have found many official entry points
  • 英国新闻听力 欧盟摊派12万难民新政难产 EU ministers meeting in Brussels have failed to reach an anonymous agreement on a controversial plan to relocate 120 thousand migrants with binding quotas for individual member states. The BBC Brussels correspondence said there is enough support to a
  • 英国新闻听力 习近平将于本月下旬访美 Hungary summoned the Austrian ambassador as a row over the treatment of migrants deepens. The Hungarian foreign minister has deplored comments made by the Austrian chancellor who draw parallels between Budapest's treatment of refugees as Nazi Germany
  • 英国新闻听力 联合国通过决议同意升起巴勒斯坦国旗 The deteriorating conditions at a transit camp in Hungary have promted refugees advocates to urge governments in Europe to ease restrictions on migrants. Activists filmed police inside the camp throwing food bags for crowed migrants. McLaren secretly