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  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8300 The family of Reeva Steenkamp shot dead by the South African athlete Oscar Pistorius has reacted angrily after he was founded guilty of culpable homicide but cleared of murder. June Steenkamp said there had been no justice for her daughter who died a
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8301 Police in Uganda say they've increased security at all public places in the capital Kampala following an operation against suspected militants. Earlier the US embassy in Kampala said the authorities have found evidence of an imminent attack by the So
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8302 The US Secretary of State John Kerry says several Arab countries have vowed to take part in air strikes against Islamic State militants but any such action would be subject to approval from Iraqi government. Mr. Kerry said he was extremely encouraged
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8303 The British Prime Minister David Cameron has visited Scotland for the last time before voters there cast their ballots in Thursday's referendum on independence. In a passionate speech, Mr. Cameron appealed to Scots not to leave the United Kingdom, sa
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8304 President Obama has described the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa as a threat to global security. Speaking at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Mr. Obama said the situation in West Africa was grave. 奥巴马总统称西非埃
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8305 With hours to go before polls open in a referendum on independence,?the?leader of the Scottish National Party has called the campaign the greatest democratic experience in the history of his country and one which has already changed Scotland. First M
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8306 In Scotland, voting has just ended in a referendum on independence. There appears to be a high turnout with long queues at polling stations. Voters have to choose between saying yes for independence from?the?rest of Britain or no if they wish to rema
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8307 Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond whose long-cherished dream of Scotland's independence was rejected by voters in a referendum has announced his resignation. He told?reporters that he would step down as leader of?the?Scottish Nationalists at the
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8308 Turkey says more than 60,000 mainly Kurdish refugees from northern Syria have crossed the border since it was opened on Friday. The flow of refugees has been prompted by intense fighting between Islamic State militants and Kurdish forces around the t
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8309 The Yemeni government and Shiah Houthi rebels have signed an UN-brokered deal to try to end a political crisis that had seen the rebels take over key parts of the capital Sanaa. Under the accord, a new government will be formed within a month. The Ho
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8310 The Rockefeller family which made its vast fortune in the oil industry says its multi-million-dollar philanthropic organization is planning to diverse from fossil fuels and reinvest in clean energy. From New York City Michelle Fleury has more details
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8311 America has said military strikes on Islamic State extremists marked?the?beginning of a sustainable and persistent campaign against the Islamic State Jihadists. Last night, five Arab nations were involved with the United States in waves of attacks on
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8312 The United Nations Security Council chaired by President Obama has unanimously approved a resolution enshrining the commitment of member states to halt the flow of foreign jihadists to Iraq and Syria. Mr. Obama said the resolution establishing new ob
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8313 The director of the FBI James Comey says the bureau has identified the masked Islamic State militant who carried out the recent beheadings of two US journalists and a British aid worker. Mr. Comey said the killer was identified with the help of inter
  • 英语听力精选进阶版 8314 The head of the US armed forces General Martin Dempsey has said the air campaign has damaged the Islamic State group but he has warned that air power alone will not be enough to defeat the militants. He told journalists that political solution and gr