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Anne: They all seem very discreet. Its up to you, 这几家看起来都挺谨慎的,最终决定权在你。 but you will choose a facility, 但是你要选择一家机构, and you will get the help that you need, after our dinner 得到你需要的
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Jenny: No, you don't understand, Vanessa. 不,你不明白,Vanessa, Okay, the store lent it to me for the ball, 那个商店把它借给我去参加舞会, and if I don't find it, Blair is gonna kill me. 如果我找不到它,Blair会要了我
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Serena: Ow, brick not comfortable. 噢,砖头硌着了,不舒服。 Dan: All right, Ill take one for the team. 好吧,那就我来牺牲一下吧。 Ooh! Yeah, this is definitely not very comfortable. 嗷! 是啊,这的确不舒服。 Serena:
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Nate: Oh. Serena, right? Serena,是吗? Jenny: Uh, that's... funny. 很好笑哦。 Nate: Mm,not really, no. No. 不太好笑,没错。 Jenny: Uh,what are you doing in the girls' hall? 你在女生楼里干嘛呢? Nate: I was actually looking for
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Blair: I think you dropped this at the ball. 我想你在舞会上落下了这个。 I hate secrets more than anything. You know that. 你知道我最恨秘密了。 Friends don't lie and we're friends, right? 朋友间从不撒谎,我们是朋友,
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Bart: When can I go public with you? 什么时候我俩才能公开? Lily: My kids have to know first. 我得先让孩子知道。 Bart: Well, your secret's safe with me. 我不会说出去的。 Chuck: Father. 爸爸。 Bart: Chuck. Chuck。 Lily:
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Blair: So... I heard on gossip girl that you were having sex with Dan out here in streaming video. 我在绯闻女友上看到你和Dan在这里做爱,而且是是视频哦。 Serena: Ugh! God, Kati and Isabel filmed us? 天哪,Kati和Isabel把我们
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Rufus: Alison, I did encourage you to do your paintings, not the next door neighbor.Hello? Hello? 没错,Alison,我是鼓励过你作画,而不是和你的邻居做爱。喂? 喂? Ah, Dan, I... I didn't realize you were home. Im sorry you had t
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Chuck: You are really talented. Dad. 你太有天赋了。爸。 I, uh, ahem. I didn't think you'd make it. 我没想到你真会来。 Bart: And you want me to pour hundreds of , thousands of dollars into an excuse 你找个理由让我撒大把的银
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Eleanor: You need to look elegant for the Archibald dinner tomorrow night, 你要穿得优雅些这件怎么样? 明晚和Archibald吃饭的时候。 So what do you think? 你觉得怎样? Blair: Yes, it would be very nice, if I was sailing up on t
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Serena: Can't believe we actually got the apartment to ourselves. 真不敢相信这里只有我俩。 Dan: You got downtown pretty fast. 你来得真快。 Serena: Well, with an opportunity like this, one needs to take advantage. 我肯定不能错过
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Lily: Long night? 喝了一整夜? Chuck: Alfonso made me an omelet. Alfonso给我做了蛋饼。 I may have washed it down with a Bellini or two. 我可能喝了一两杯贝里尼酒把它灌下去了。 Lily: Your father didn't go for your business
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Serena: So do you think we should talk about it? 你觉得我们该谈谈吗? Dan: Oh,you mean about... about Vanessa? 你,你是说关于Vanessa的吗? No, you know what? She's like family. It feels comfortable, 别误会,她就跟家人一样,没
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Anne: I'm on my way. Uh, I'm late for my blowout at Arden's. 我就过来,我要赶着去Arden的宴会。 Nate: Mom, please. The drugs were dad's. 妈,拜托,那些毒品是爸爸的。 I mean I guess he thought it'd be easier on everyone. 我想
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Dan: See... you curl your fingers into a fist and with simple thrust of force, you knock on the door. 看...... 把手指蜷成拳头,然后轻轻用力,就能学会怎样敲门了。 Vanessa: Hey, I didn't use the fire escape, baby steps. And wh